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  • in reply to: New tutorial for adf project #35229

    Further to my post. I have created an adf 4.6 project and it appears the issue is the python dependencies. When I look at visualgdb package manager I see it is using Python 3.8.

    I delete the python directory path in tools ->options ->visualgdb

    When I restart the project it prompts python is missing and get option to select version 2.7 or 3. I select 3 but still get same depedency eerors.

    My machine also has python 3.11 installed and wonder if it is trying to use parts of this instead? I also see the environment path for python is not set.

    I am not sure what I need to do, do I have to just change the path to python to add the one in sysgcc, or do I need to change something in Visual Studio (2022)?

    Double clicking error takes me to this code:

    idf_build_get_property(python PYTHON)
    idf_build_get_property(idf_path IDF_PATH)
    message(STATUS “Checking Python dependencies…”)
    execute_process(COMMAND “${python}” “${idf_path}/tools/check_python_dependencies.py”
    if(result EQUAL 1)
    # check_python_dependencies returns error code 1 on failure
    message(FATAL_ERROR “Some Python dependencies must be installed. Check above message for details.”)
    elseif(NOT result EQUAL 0)
    # means check_python_dependencies.py failed to run at all, result should be an error message
    message(FATAL_ERROR “Failed to run Python dependency check. Python: ${python}, Error: ${result}”)

    This is the output of the build relating to the python dependencies.

    The following Python requirements are not satisfied:
    gdbgui==; python_version < “3.11”
    pygdbmi<=; python_version < “3.11”
    python-socketio<5; python_version < “3.11”
    itsdangerous<2.1; python_version < “3.11”
    esp-windows-curses; sys_platform == ‘win32’
    Please follow the instructions found in the “Set up the tools” section of ESP-IDF Getting Started Guide
    Diagnostic information:
    IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH: (not set)
    Python interpreter used: C:\Users\david\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\Python3\python.exe
    Warning: python interpreter not running from IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH
    PATH: C:\Program Files\Git\bin;C:\Users\david\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\Python3;c:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\xtensa-esp32-elf\esp-12.2.0_20230208\xtensa-esp32-elf\bin;c:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\xtensa-esp32-elf\esp-12.2.0_20230208\xtensa-esp32-elf\bin;c:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\xtensa-esp32s2-elf\esp-12.2.0_20230208\xtensa-esp32s2-elf\bin;c:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\xtensa-esp32s3-elf\esp-12.2.0_20230208\xtensa-esp32s3-elf\bin;c:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\esp32ulp-elf\2.35_20220830\esp32ulp-elf\bin;c:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\riscv32-esp-elf\esp-12.2.0_20230208\riscv32-esp-elf\bin;c:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\idf-exe\1.0.3;c:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\ccache\4.8\ccache-4.8-windows-x86_64;c:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\ninja\1.10.2;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\Program Files\Microchip\xc32\v4.30\bin;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files\PuTTY\;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\Users\david\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Scripts\;C:\Users\david\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\;C:\Users\david\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\david\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\bin;C:\Users\david\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin;C:\Users\david\.espressif\tools\openocd-esp32\v0.12.0-esp32-20230419\openocd-esp32\bin;C:\Users\david\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Users\david\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\Scripts;C:\Users\david\.dotnet\tools;C:\Users\david\esp\esp-adf;
    CMake Error at C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-adf/v2.6/esp-idf/tools/cmake/build.cmake:296 (message):
    Some Python dependencies must be installed. Check above message for

    in reply to: esp32 s3 jtag #34395

    I am also interested how to get the debugging working for the S3.

    Can the dual USB version modules be debugged in Visual Studio with Visual gdb? The board works with openocd and flash programming ok in VS Code.

    I notice in the “New Espressif sdk project” dialog there is only option to select ESP32C3 built-in jtag. Is this to be selected to set up S3 debugging as attached?

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Help to edit pertition table flash into memory #33737


    That is very helpful.


    spiffs_create_partition_image(web_store ../webserver-content FLASH_IN_PROJECT) to the cmakelists in main solved it.


    in reply to: Why don't the tutorials work?? ESP_ADF #30984

    I first installed the latest esp-idf using the espressif esp-idf extension v1.1.1 inside vscode. This installed the 4.3 version framework , tools, python and dependencies to my selected folder c:\esp\esp-idf and c:\esp\tools.

    Then I followed the steps from espressif web site to install the adf 2.3 framework to c:\esp-adf-v2.3

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/espressif/esp-adf.git
    <span class="nb">then set up adf path in windows environmental variable</span> <span class="nv">ADF_PATH</span><span class="o">=</span>%userprofile%<span class="se">\e</span>sp<span class="se">\e</span>sp-adf
    in reply to: Why don't the tutorials work?? ESP_ADF #30980

    That was my experience also, hope they can fix it at some stage.

    in reply to: Why don't the tutorials work?? ESP_ADF #30976

    I have migrated all my projects except the ADF project from VSCODE to VisualGDB in Visual Studio.

    Really hoped I could get this running in Visual Studio but as much as I have tried, I cannot get it running.

    Are you saying there is a bug that needs fixing and this is why I cannot load my project? My ADF project works fine with both esp-idf 4.2 and the latest 4.3 and adf v2.3 in vscode but I don’t want to keep chaning development tools just for this one project.


    in reply to: Questions about ESP32 #30872


    I had to use GCC version 5.2.0 and earlier version 3.3 of ESP-IF to compile an ADF project.

    The compiler does not like “spiffs_create_partition_image(storage ../audio FLASH_IN_PROJECT)” command.

    Was this not supported in the earlier ESP-IDF? How do you flash the partitions into ESP32 for version 3.3 ?










    in reply to: Why don't the tutorials work?? ESP_ADF #30800

    I am wondering if I am using the right steps to create a new ADF project based on existing project.

    I cannot find anything in the tutorial related to setting up adf project based on existing project.

    The steps I took are below.

    “New VisualGDB Project”

    “ESP32/ESP8266 IDF/ADF Project Wizard” -> “ADD”


    “Import an existing project built with ESP-IDF, ESP-ADF…”

    Browse to project folder and select “CMakeLists.txt”


    Left this screen as default(same as was used for the play-mp3 demo project previously created)


    “Built-in GDB simulator(basic)








    in reply to: Why don't the tutorials work?? ESP_ADF #30797

    Thank you. I can create a new project and it compiles now.

    However, when I try to create a new project using my existing code, it fails to load.


    This is the build output I see.


    Running CMake: C:\Users\david\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\CMake\bin\cmake.exe ../../.. -G “Ninja” -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=”C:/Program Files (x86)/Sysprogs/VisualGDB/ninja.exe”
    fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
    — Checking Python dependencies…
    Python requirements from C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2\requirements.txt are satisfied.
    CMake Warning at C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/tools/cmake/scripts/expand_requirements.cmake:94 (message):
    Required component espcoredump is not found in any of the provided
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
    C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/tools/cmake/scripts/expand_requirements.cmake:164 (find_component_path)
    C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/tools/cmake/scripts/expand_requirements.cmake:183 (expand_component_requirements)
    C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/tools/cmake/scripts/expand_requirements.cmake:183 (expand_component_requirements)
    C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/tools/cmake/scripts/expand_requirements.cmake:286 (expand_component_requirements)

    — Building empty aws_iot component due to configuration
    — Component names: soc log heap xtensa-debug-module app_trace freertos vfs newlib esp_ringbuf driver esp_event ethernet lwip tcpip_adapter partition_table app_update spi_flash mbedtls micro-ecc bootloader_support nvs_flash pthread smartconfig_ack wpa_supplicant esp32 cxx audio_sal esp_adc_cal wear_levelling sdmmc fatfs console esp-sr nghttp esp-tls tcp_transport esp-adf-libs audio_pipeline spiffs display_service esp_dispatcher bt esp_peripherals audio_board audio_hal my_board esp_http_client jsmn adf_utils wifi_service clouds dueros_service esp_actions tone_partition audio_stream battery_service bluetooth_service espcoredump coredump_upload_service esp_event_cast input_key_service esp_https_ota ota_service playlist asio aws_iot bootloader coap esp_http_server esptool_py expat freemodbus idf_test json libsodium mdns mqtt openssl protobuf-c protocomm ulp wifi_provisioning main
    — Component paths: C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/soc;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/log;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/heap;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/xtensa-debug-module;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/app_trace;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/freertos;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/vfs;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/newlib;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/esp_ringbuf;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/driver;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/esp_event;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/ethernet;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/lwip;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/tcpip_adapter;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/partition_table;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/app_update;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/spi_flash;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/mbedtls;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/micro-ecc;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/bootloader_support;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/nvs_flash;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/pthread;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/smartconfig_ack;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/wpa_supplicant;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/esp32;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/cxx;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/audio_sal;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/esp_adc_cal;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/wear_levelling;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/sdmmc;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/fatfs;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/console;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/esp-sr;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/nghttp;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/esp-tls;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/tcp_transport;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/esp-adf-libs;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/audio_pipeline;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/spiffs;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/display_service;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/esp_dispatcher;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/bt;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/esp_peripherals;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/audio_board;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/audio_hal;C:/projects/CAB_ROLEC_ESP_PCB0325_G/components/my_board;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/esp_http_client;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/jsmn;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/adf_utils;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/wifi_service;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/clouds;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/dueros_service;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/esp_actions;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/tone_partition;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/audio_stream;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/battery_service;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/bluetooth_service;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/coredump_upload_service;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/coredump_upload_service;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/esp_event_cast;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/input_key_service;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/esp_https_ota;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/ota_service;C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/playlist;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/asio;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/aws_iot;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/bootloader;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/coap;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/esp_http_server;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/esptool_py;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/expat;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/freemodbus;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/idf_test;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/json;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/libsodium;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/mdns;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/mqtt;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/openssl;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/protobuf-c;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/protocomm;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/ulp;C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/wifi_provisioning;C:/projects/CAB_ROLEC_ESP_PCB0325_G/main
    warning: ignored attempt to assign user value to IDF_CMAKE, which gets its value from the environment
    — Adding linker script C:/projects/CAB_ROLEC_ESP_PCB0325_G/build/VisualGDB/Debug/esp32/esp32_out.ld
    — Adding linker script C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/esp32/ld/esp32.common.ld
    — Adding linker script C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.ld
    — Adding linker script C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/esp32/ld/esp32.peripherals.ld
    — Adding linker script C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.libgcc.ld
    — Adding linker script C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v3.2/components/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.spiram_incompatible_fns.ld
    CMake Error at C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/esp-sr/CMakeLists.txt:16 (target_link_libraries):
    Cannot specify link libraries for target “-L
    C:/esp/esp-adf-v2.3/components/esp-sr/lib” which is not built by this

    — Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
    See also “C:/projects/CAB_ROLEC_ESP_PCB0325_G/build/VisualGDB/Debug/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log”.
    See also “C:/projects/CAB_ROLEC_ESP_PCB0325_G/build/VisualGDB/Debug/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log”.
    System.Exception: CMake exited with code 1
    at wn2.t(o b, Object a)

    ========== Project Configuration Summary ==========
    Cab configured in 00:04
    ========== Configuration: 1 Succeeded, 0 Failed, 0 Skipped ==========


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by orbitcoms.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by orbitcoms.
    in reply to: Why don't the tutorials work?? ESP_ADF #30794

    Where do I find the GCC selection drop-down please?

    in reply to: Why don't the tutorials work?? ESP_ADF #30759

    I have been able to get all my projects running in VS with visual studio except 1 project using ADF.

    I can confirm the ADF project DOES compile and run ok in VS Code using ESP-IDF and ADF framework but does not run with Visual Studio and GDB.

    It runs with both ESP-IDF 4.2 and the latest 4.3 and ADF V2.3 ok in VS CODE.

    So, the frame work and compiler tools/versions are not the problem.

    in reply to: Why don't the tutorials work?? ESP_ADF #30751

    How do I select which esp-idf framework to use when creating the same project as in the tutorial?

    You used version esp-idf 4.1 with v1.0 adf-framework.

    I selected V1.0 framework for adf, but which version of esp-idf is being used? I cannot see where to select it.

    The files it cannot load are attemting to be loaded from the SysCGG folder that is created by Visual GDB.

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    in reply to: Why don't the tutorials work?? ESP_ADF #30749

    I am learning just how much of the great Visual GDB support does not cover and less about what is covered. A disclaimer on the tutorials would be helpful like “these steps worked for us but they probably won’t work for you because esp-idf and adf frameworks keep changing and we advise you follow along with espressif command line setup and testing before attempting to use the tools in a gdb project.

    So, You are saying that I should be using other tools (Not visual studio and visual gdb) to create and test my projects first to make sure they work before attempting to run them using gdb?

    And, that the “cloning” step in the adf project does not actually install adf framework. What does the “cloning” for esp sdk adf project do?

    Also, I do not see how to select the esp-idf version to use in the new adf project based on your tutorial. When you “clone” (whatever that does) the adf, I cannot see a selection for which version of esp-idf to use.

    So, I need to install multiple versions of esp-idf and adf on my machine so they are available in Visual gdb. Then somehow select esp-idf version 4.1 (the one you state is tested to work with adf).


    in reply to: Questions about ESP32 #30555


    I followed the tutorial for creating an Arduino Project in Visual Studio using GDB and it compiles and runs fine.

    However, I want to use Serial.print() in some of the C++ modules to debug code in some classes and cannot figure out what I need to add to use the function in the cpp file?

    Also, I had trouble using ESP-IDF code in the main sketch. I did #include “driver/gpio.h” and tried to #define my PI but the compiler would not allow this and wanted to see the const int arduino style declaration.

    Should I be able to run the native ESP-IDF commands in the Arduino project or do I need to do something to advise the compiler how to handle it?


    in reply to: Trouble getting ESP32 Arduino project to compile #30535


    I got the code compiling ok in Visual Studio now.


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