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  • in reply to: structured exceptions #1174

    Please look, what symbols are reported missing by linker, find a LIB file containing them and add them to VS project manually. That should help.

    in reply to: UAC asks for admin passwd when mounting #1102

    Admin account is required to perform such low-level system actions, as adding new virtual devices. Maybe, this restriction will be relaxed in further versions.

    in reply to: Version 2.3 impression #1077

    “Missing driver” is OK. Just wait a couple of seconds and it installs automatically. Fully background installation is impossible due to driver signing limitations, so you need to tolerate a dialog box once 😉

    in reply to: Source code #1026

    Ok, there is a small bug in STRGEN.EXE tool provided by BazisLib. Please find the StringManager.cpp file, replace “#include” to “#include ” in the CPP file generation function, rebuild the STRGEN.EXE and regenerate language files for VMNT.

    in reply to: WinCDemu 3.0 shows 2.3 #1180

    Thanks for telling. Forgot to update installer properties. Anyway, except for incorrect shown version in “add/remove programs”, this is a correct 3.0 package.

    in reply to: Source code #1024

    Thanks for the translation.
    Version 3.0 is now out. Enjoy 😉

    in reply to: Source code #1022

    Thanks for the translation. BTW, starting from WinCDEmu 3.0 (will be released soon), it will support language customization.
    You can merge your translation into WinCDEmu 3.0 by translating the provided language file (see WinCDEmu homepage).

    in reply to: VirtualKD VMInstall bug #1176

    The forward slash seems to be your unique case (some third-party boot manager?). Anyway, I’ll add support for both “default” and “/default” in the future versions. Thanks for investigating the problem 😉

    in reply to: structured exceptions #1171

    Bah! Did not try this one at all. I guess, there are some flags that BUILD specifies to the compiler, and Visual Studio does not. I’ll put this into the feature wishlist, however I cannot promise to fix it soon. If you find the exact flag responsible for the structured exceptions, please notify me, so I can release a fix.

    in reply to: New features request #1008

    Just an update about mixing code. The only practical case of using different compilers is writing plugins to existing apps. However, this involves polymorhpic approach (you implement existing interface without the program knowing internal details of your plugin) and is nicely done using C++ interfaces (that do not have problem with compiler interoperability).
    Anyway, mixing compilers has nothing to do with kernel-mode code (besides, it’s Linux, not Windows, that requires recompiling the drivers for each kernel version 😆 ), so this argument does not seem to be reasonable related to the discussed problem.

    in reply to: New features request #1007

    There is a problem with linking C++ dynamic libraries compiled with one compiler to applications compiled by another compiler

    Can you name a frequently used case, when you really need to mix code compiled with different compilers? IMHO, it’s like “cars don’t fly to the moon, so let’s not use cars at all”. AFAIK, all modern GCC versions use the same calling conversions. And all VC stuff as well. And, if you are really picky about this, just force your functions to be stdcall and be happy 😉

    Name a language or a framework and if it can use dynamic modules, they are probably C.

    COM, .Net, Java… KDE, at least

    These are real problems with C++ and portability.

    In rare cases, and only with several platform-specific subsets of C++, such as exceptions. And, frankly, I would rather port a modern version of GCC to a problematic platform (as I did for, than do all the optimization, inlining and other stuff manually every time.

    Of course, i could start another holywar by telling you just how much C++ sux as an objective language, but that is hardly appropriate

    I don’t need a “perfectly object-oriented language”. I need a language allowing me to solve my problems with the minimum effort provided that my expectations about portability and performance are met. I really don’t care whether it is 19% of 91% object oriented…

    So, the point is, if you’re writing something to be widespread and used by everyone (that is, a library), C is your best bet

    Hmm. I guess, KDE, Visual Studio and lots of COM-based Windows applications are just not widespread enough… 😀 No, seriously, the modern world is so heterogeneous, that you can find ‘widespread’ examples for almost anything. No, really. I know people that use this: Surely, claiming it to be widespread.

    AFAIR the size of the ‘standard types’ is machine-dependent (that is, poorly portable).

    So, for the tiny probability to run your stuff on a 70s mainframe with 7-bit char, you will really agree to make your program model more complex? No, really, have you ever seen a PC running something else than x86 or x64? I know that ‘perfect portability’ is a good point, however, when it comes with a cost of making things messier…

    So, i would like to wish you luck in fighting your prejudice, and will hope that libmirage will be used to its full extent.

    My prejudice is that I will not spend K hours on solving a problem, if I can solve it in K/2 hours using a modern language and a modern compiler. After I add support for some of custom formats (NRG and MDF, most likely), we can compare the size of the code doing the same stuff using C and C++ (and even compare code performance, if you wish).
    Once again, the problem is to distinguish between abstract terms like “purely object-oriented language” and “absolute portability” and an exact problem statement. Implementing a set of CD format parsers does not require link-time compatibility with code compiled by other tools. It does not require non-8-bit chars and exotic-sized integers. For fixed-size binary structures inside image files, uint32_t and similar types are completely appropriate. So, talking about an abstract program potentially portable in every combination to every computer in time and space, your arguments seem reasonable. Provided the real use cases from real world, I don’t agree with any of them.

    in reply to: New features request #1005

    I’ve checked out libmirage. Unfortunately, this is one of those libs claiming “we are stuck in 80s, we don’t admit C++ exists, so we’ll implement all its features in raw C, manually and horribly”. Involving manual pointer table initialization instead of virtual functions, various stuff like “GObject” and “gint” instead of standard types and so on. I will consider adding support to, at least, MDS/MDF and NRG in future releases, however, I doubt I’ll even try porting this made-to-be-unportable library.

    in reply to: Source code #1020

    Just ensure that you don’t violate BazisLib and WinCDEmu license…

    in reply to: Source code #1017

    I did not release the sources of the installer program, as it uses some old not-very-well-written code and has even more dependencies, than BazisLib. I suggest using some other free installer for your custom builds. If you really want to use the original one, I can send you the toolkit for compiling installation scripts and building the EXE, however, got to warn you, it is not very user-friendly 🙂

    in reply to: random "my computer" in start menu error…. #1161

    I hear this for the first time also. Moreover, knowing what does the installer modify, I cannot name a single reason, why should it be like this. You can try the TweakUI tool from MS to rebuild various explorer caches and manage icons, if that helps. Additionally, try uninstalling WinCDEmu and seeing whether it affects the icons.

    If that helps, here is the script that modifies the registry during WinCDEmu installation (as you can see, it does not change anything related to “my computer”):

    createkeyb	HKCRApplicationsvmnt$64_OR_VOID$.exeshellopencommand	3264
    setstrdef	""$DESTDIR$vmnt$64_OR_VOID$.exe" "%1""
    createkeyb	HKCR.iso
    setstrdef	BazisVirtualCD.Iso
    createkeyb	HKCRBazisVirtualCD.Iso
    setstrdef	"ISO CD/DVD image"
    createsubkey DefaultIcon
    setstrdef	%SystemRoot%System32shell32.dll,11
    createkeyb	HKCRBazisVirtualCD.Isoshell
    createsubkey	open
    createsubkey	command
    setstrdef	""$DESTDIR$vmnt$64_OR_VOID$.exe" "%1""
    createkeyb	HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileExts.iso
    setstrsubst	Application	vmnt$64_OR_VOID$.exe
    createkeyb	HKCR.cue
    setstrdef	BazisVirtualCD.Cue
    createkeyb	HKCRBazisVirtualCD.Cue
    setstrdef	"CUE CD/DVD image"
    createsubkey DefaultIcon
    setstrdef	%SystemRoot%System32shell32.dll,11
    createkeyb	HKCRBazisVirtualCD.Cueshell
    createsubkey	open
    createsubkey	command
    setstrdef	""$DESTDIR$vmnt$64_OR_VOID$.exe" "%1""
    createkeyb	HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileExts.cue
    setstrsubst	Application	vmnt$64_OR_VOID$.exe
    createkeyb	HKCR.img
    setstrdef	BazisVirtualCD.Img
    createkeyb	HKCRBazisVirtualCD.Img
    setstrdef	"Binary CD/DVD image"
    createsubkey DefaultIcon
    setstrdef	%SystemRoot%System32shell32.dll,11
    createkeyb	HKCRBazisVirtualCD.Imgshell
    createsubkey	open
    createsubkey	command
    setstrdef	""$DESTDIR$vmnt$64_OR_VOID$.exe" "%1""
    createkeyb	HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileExts.img
    setstrsubst	Application	vmnt$64_OR_VOID$.exe
    createkeyb	"HKCRBazisVirtualCD.IsoshellSelect drive letter && mount"
    createsubkey command
    setstrdef	""$DESTDIR$vmnt$64_OR_VOID$.exe" "%1" /ltrselect"
    createkeyb	"HKCRBazisVirtualCD.CueshellSelect drive letter && mountcommand"
    setstrdef	""$DESTDIR$vmnt$64_OR_VOID$.exe" "%1" /ltrselect"
    createkeyb	"HKCRBazisVirtualCD.ImgshellSelect drive letter && mountcommand"
    setstrdef	""$DESTDIR$vmnt$64_OR_VOID$.exe" "%1" /ltrselect"
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