esp-32 sigtrap error while stepping trough code

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB esp-32 sigtrap error while stepping trough code

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  • #24039

    I have a problem with debugging my esp-32.When I try to set a break point it works fine and stops but when i try to step trough my code it gives this sigtrap exception. I use a Segger J-Link as jtag adapter. The weird part is: When I try to step trough any example project from the esp-idf it all works fine but when I use it on my own project it doesn’t while the debug settings are the same.





    The ESP32 debugging is generally less reliable than for ARM devices, so glitches like this one are expected. As it is something caused by the low-level interaction between the ESP32 chip and the Espressif’s port of OpenOCD, please consider asking on the Espressif’s forum. They might be aware of the issue and might be able to suggest some specific workaround.

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