Forum Replies Created
ParticipantSorry in item 2) MACHINE freezes should be “Virtual Machine Freezes”.
Eventually, DevEnv.exe crashes after the pipe stuck open event.
ParticipantI have also tried setting the “Code signing for device drivers” property to ignore in gpedit.msc under User ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesSystem.
This also doesnt have any effect.Is there some kind of log that the installation generates that may be of use ?
ParticipantThe same problem with host: win7/x86 virtualbox 3.1.6
ParticipantSorry to post here. Just wanted to report it.
It is not really a bug of this sw but other.
Please check out. Possible a false positive.
Anyhow Comodo and Sophos reports that there is a virus in it.
So you can contact them to fix their sw! πAnonymous
ParticipantDunno if this is an issue anymore, but I just declared WDKPATH to C:WinDDK7600.16385.1.
Then I reconfigured VisualDDK and it all went OK. (I didn’t do any mkdir, just declared the environment variable above)(Running Windows 7, x64)
ParticipantIf you wait some seconds or a minute, you can install the driver and use PortableWinCDEmu again.
ParticipantI have the same problem. Strage thing is that if I change the extension to .iso it will mount fine!
ParticipantHaving a similar issue. My system right now only has 2 GB, but when I mount an ISO and install from it, it will do the same as stated above. My guess would be that WinCDEmu isn’t unloading any memory used during the file reads. That would explain why it seems to only be an issue when using an installer, especially for a game, since those are typically on DVD now and that equates to reading a ton of data. Is there an option anywhere to limit the maximum amount of used memory, instead of all available memory?
ParticipantWinXP SP2 x86
With VMWare All OK. I had remote debbuging Win OS on thid one.Anonymous
ParticipantMo)l(no po-russki. Proboval pyti stavit’ pr9mie k addinam, ne pomglo.
Tak )l(e ystanavlival Addin StickyNotes i rabotaet na yra.Anonymous
ParticipantiTunes is not “crippled” when the GEARaspiWDM filter is removed. iTunes will complain, but then start and run. The ONLY thing it will not do without its dll is burn a CD. Once you restore the filter, iTunes starts and runs without complaint. NOTE! You do not have to delete the dll … just remove/restore the filter in the registry. I use three batch files for this. One to test for the filter and start WinCDemu if okay. One to remove the filter before running WinCDemu. One to restore the filter after running WinCDemu. (Notice I renamed the program WinCDemulator to drop the Beta label – and “emu” is a bird anyway π )
1-startCDemulator.bat@echo off reg query HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} /v /f GEARAspiWDM /d>nul
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto docmd
echo WARNING! Conflicting GEAR driver found in UpperFilters.
echo This will prevent CD emulator from running.
echo You must run "remove gear driver" before CD emulator.
start /b winCDemulator.exe
2-remove gear driver.bat@echo off reg query HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} /v /f GEARAspiWDM /d if ERRORLEVEL 0 goto remove echo GEAR driver not found - no change made goto endit :remove reg delete HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} /v UpperFilters if ERRORLEVEL 0 goto removed echo error removing GEAR driver goto endit :removed echo. echo GEAR driver removed echo. :endit pause
3-add gear driver.bat@echo off reg query HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} /v /f GEARAspiWDM /d if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto add echo GEAR driver found - no change made goto endit :add reg add HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} /v UpperFilters /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d GEARAspiWDM if ERRORLEVEL 0 goto added echo error adding GEAR driver goto endit :added echo. echo GEAR driver added echo. :endit pause
ParticipantThis is a real shame as WinCDemu looked like a program that I really wanted to use, but not at the expense of having to registry hack and cripple itunes.
Participant@msbroadf wrote:
Just mkdir C:WinDDK7600.16385.1incddkwxp and copy ntddk.h into it. Then retry installation
Tried what you suggested – Installer still does not commence. Is visualddk any good at all if I get past the installation issues or is it incompatible with the current WDK anyway?
ParticipantThanks again. I will try it out.
Participantwhen i try to run the cleanup it says Warning: could not cleaup registry under SYSTEMCurrentControlSetEnumBazisVirtualCDBus – The system cannot find the path specified. Consider removing it manually