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It was built. Anyway I made a new project and everything works now. I do not know what was the cause of this. Maybe it has something to do with directory.
karlis77ParticipantOk, nvm I solved the issue.
There was hardware bug regarding the Reset signal or MCU
karlis77ParticipantI found the linker script but I do not have much idea what to do with it. The flashmemory address and length is shown correctly.
I am not sure about _estack address..
karlis77ParticipantOk, I think I just found the solution:
Had to click: Rebuild MSBuild & IntelliSense files for toolchain
karlis77ParticipantOk I will try that.
How to update the VisualGDB? Should I just download it from ?
karlis77ParticipantThanks for answer.
I can’t seem to find this “Regenerate MCU files” button. This is how the window appears to me.
karlis77ParticipantWhen I make a project with STM32F051R8 then in STM32f0xx.h file it is highlighted that STM32f051R8 is selected and everything is fine.
When I make project with STM32F030CC then in STM32f0xx.h file it is highlighted that STM32F030 is selected and I can’t access features which STM32f030cc has.
I uploaded 2 pictures below so you can see what I mean.
karlis77ParticipantI updated BSP to V3.5, but it still does not work.
This is stm32.mak file of the project
#This file is generated by VisualGDB.
#It contains GCC settings automatically derived from the board support package (BSP).
#Use VisualGDB Project Properties dialog or modify Makefile or per-configuration .mak files instead.#VisualGDB provides BSP_ROOT and TOOLCHAIN_ROOT via environment when running Make. The line below will only be active if GNU Make is started manually.
BSP_ROOT ?= $(LOCALAPPDATA)/VisualGDB/EmbeddedBSPs/arm-eabi/com.sysprogs.arm.stm32
TOOLCHAIN_ROOT ?= C:/SysGCC/arm-eabi#Embedded toolchain
CC := $(TOOLCHAIN_ROOT)/bin/arm-eabi-gcc.exe
CXX := $(TOOLCHAIN_ROOT)/bin/arm-eabi-g++.exe
LD := $(CXX)
AR := $(TOOLCHAIN_ROOT)/bin/arm-eabi-ar.exe
OBJCOPY := $(TOOLCHAIN_ROOT)/bin/arm-eabi-objcopy.exe#Additional flags
PREPROCESSOR_MACROS += ARM_MATH_CM0 STM32F030CC stm32_flash_layout STM32F030
INCLUDE_DIRS += . $(BSP_ROOT)/STM32F0xxxx/STM32F0xx_StdPeriph_Driver/inc $(BSP_ROOT)/STM32F0xxxx/CMSIS_StdPeriph/Device/ST/STM32F0xx/Include $(BSP_ROOT)/STM32F0xxxx/CMSIS_StdPeriph/Include $(BSP_ROOT)/STM32F0xxxx/CMSIS_StdPeriph/RTOS
LIBRARY_NAMES += compactcpp
COMMONFLAGS += -mcpu=cortex-m0 -mthumb
LINKER_SCRIPT := $(BSP_ROOT)/STM32F0xxxx/LinkerScripts/STM32F030CC_flash.ldskarlis77ParticipantBTW, I just updated my Visual GDB, but it did not update the BSP. It is still version 3.3, and when I choose STM32F030CC for new project, there still is a STM32F030 in the end of preprocessor macros instead of STM32fF030CC
karlis77Participant<h5>I checked the stm32.mak file and it differs from the line you wrote. Here is mine:
PREPROCESSOR_MACROS += ARM_MATH_CM0 STM32F030CC stm32_flash_layout STM32F030</h5>
If I change the STM32F030 to STM32F030CC in the end of line it still does not work.</h5>
I guess I am using BSP version 3.3, because this is what I found in BSP file.
<PackageVersion>3.3</PackageVersion>Yes, this same problem happens when I create a new project with this model. It does not happen when I choose STM32F051R8 for example.
- This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by karlis77.