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  • in reply to: Debugger setup for Black Magic Probe? #36459

    Hi all,

    Any one have an idea for my issue ?


    in reply to: Debugger setup for Black Magic Probe? #36404

    Hello all,

    I am trying to do the same thing but using a wifi connection.

    I can use my BMP using USB and virtual COM port with the configuration described above.

    But to use the wifi connection, it seems that just changing the connection port to the target is not enough…

    I’ve attached some screen shot of my configuration.


    When I want to debug, it seems that the “load” command is not sended to GDB.

    Here is the GDB Session log :
    <div>VisualGDB is licensed to xxxxx at xxxxxx</div>
    <div>c:\sysgcc\arm-eabi\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe –interpreter mi E:\MesDocuments\Code_source\ST\VisualGDB\App\Debug\App</div>
    <div>GNU gdb (GDB) 15.2</div>
    <div>Copyright (C) 2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.</div>
    <div>License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html></div&gt;
    <div>This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.</div>
    <div>There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.</div>
    <div>Type “show copying” and “show warranty” for details.</div>
    <div>This GDB was configured as “–host=i686-w64-mingw32 –target=arm-none-eabi”.</div>
    <div>Type “show configuration” for configuration details.</div>
    <div>For bug reporting instructions, please see:</div>
    <div>Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:</div>
    <div>    <</div>
    <div>For help, type “help”.</div>
    <div>Type “apropos word” to search for commands related to “word”…</div>
    <div>Reading symbols from E:\MesDocuments\Code_source\ST\VisualGDB\App\Debug\App…</div>
    <div>GNU gdb (GDB) 15.2</div>
    <div>Copyright (C) 2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.</div>
    <div>License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html></div&gt;
    <div>This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.</div>
    <div>There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.</div>
    <div>Type “show copying” and “show warranty” for details.</div>
    <div>This GDB was configured as “–host=i686-w64-mingw32 –target=arm-none-eabi”.</div>
    <div>Type “show configuration” for configuration details.</div>
    <div>For bug reporting instructions, please see:</div>
    <div>Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:</div>
    <div>    <</div>
    <div>For help, type “help”.</div>
    <div>Type “apropos word” to search for commands related to “word”.</div>
    <div>-gdb-set verbose on</div>
    <div>-gdb-set filename-display absolute</div>
    <div>-gdb-set disassembly-flavor intel</div>
    <div>&”warning: could not convert ‘disassembly’ from the host encoding (CP1252) to UTF-32.\nThis normally should not happen, please file a bug report.”</div>
    <div>No symbol “disassembly” in current context.</div>
    <div>-gdb-set print demangle off</div>
    <div>set mem inaccessible-by-default off</div>
    <div>&”set mem inaccessible-by-default off\n”</div>
    <div>=cmd-param-changed,param=”mem inaccessible-by-default”,value=”off”</div>
    <div>target extended-remote blackmagic.local:2345</div>
    <div>&”target extended-remote blackmagic.local:2345\n”</div>
    <div>Remote debugging using blackmagic.local:2345</div>
    <div>&”warning: platform-specific solib_create_inferior_hook did not load initial shared libraries.\n”</div>
    <div>0x080229ba in teleinfo_save_etiquettes () at E:\MesDocuments\Code_source\ST\App\TeleInfo\TeleInfo.c:1109</div>
    <div>1109 if (RechercheValTabNumEtq(oRecupTI_CONSO[i].ucNumEtq) != NON_TROUVE)</div>
    <div>info shared</div>
    <div>&”info shared\n”</div>
    <div>No shared libraries loaded at this time.</div>
    <div>mon swdp_scan</div>
    <div>&”mon swdp_scan\n”</div>
    <div>You are now detached from the previous target.</div>
    <div>Available Targets:</div>
    <div>No. Att Driver</div>
    <div> 1      STM32F09/F030xc M0</div>
    <div>attach 1</div>
    <div>&”attach 1\n”</div>
    <div>A program is being debugged already.  Kill it? (y or n) [answered Y; input not from terminal]</div>
    <div>Attaching to program: E:\MesDocuments\Code_source\ST\VisualGDB\App\Debug\App, Remote target</div>
    <div>&”warning: platform-specific solib_create_inferior_hook did not load initial shared libraries.\n”</div>
    <div>0x08022952 in teleinfo_save_etiquettes () at E:\MesDocuments\Code_source\ST\App\TeleInfo\TeleInfo.c:1094</div>
    <div>1094 s_TIC_Data.u32_ValideData = VALIDITY_KEY;</div>
    <div>info target</div>
    <div>&”info target\n”</div>
    <div>Symbols from “E:\MesDocuments\Code_source\ST\VisualGDB\App\Debug\App”.</div>
    <div>Extended remote target using gdb-specific protocol:</div>
    <div>`E:\MesDocuments\Code_source\ST\VisualGDB\App\Debug\App’, file type elf32-littlearm.</div>
    <div>Entry point: 0x802dacc</div>
    <div>0x08000000 – 0x080000bc @ 0x00001000 is .isr_vector</div>
    <div>0x080000bc – 0x08037490 @ 0x000010bc is .text</div>
    <div>0x08037490 – 0x0803c550 @ 0x00038490 is .rodata</div>
    <div>0x0803c550 – 0x0803c558 @ 0x0003d550 is .ARM</div>
    <div>0x0803c558 – 0x0803c558 @ 0x0003e7a8 is .preinit_array</div>
    <div>0x0803c558 – 0x0803c55c @ 0x0003d558 is .init_array</div>
    <div>0x0803c55c – 0x0803c560 @ 0x0003d55c is .fini_array</div>
    <div>0x200000c0 – 0x200007a8 @ 0x0003e0c0 is .data</div>
    <div>0x20007fe0 – 0x20007ff8 @ 0x0003efe0 is .btl_ram</div>
    <div>0x200007a8 – 0x2000676c @ 0x0003e7a8 is .bss</div>
    <div>0x2000676c – 0x20006d70 @ 0x0003e7a8 is ._user_heap_stack</div>
    <div>While running this, GDB does not access memory from…</div>
    <div>Local exec file:</div>
    <div>`E:\MesDocuments\Code_source\ST\VisualGDB\App\Debug\App’, file type elf32-littlearm.</div>
    <div>Entry point: 0x802dacc</div>
    <div>0x08000000 – 0x080000bc @ 0x00001000 is .isr_vector</div>
    <div>0x080000bc – 0x08037490 @ 0x000010bc is .text</div>
    <div>0x08037490 – 0x0803c550 @ 0x00038490 is .rodata</div>
    <div>0x0803c550 – 0x0803c558 @ 0x0003d550 is .ARM</div>
    <div>0x0803c558 – 0x0803c558 @ 0x0003e7a8 is .preinit_array</div>
    <div>0x0803c558 – 0x0803c55c @ 0x0003d558 is .init_array</div>
    <div>0x0803c55c – 0x0803c560 @ 0x0003d55c is .fini_array</div>
    <div>0x200000c0 – 0x200007a8 @ 0x0003e0c0 is .data</div>
    <div>0x20007fe0 – 0x20007ff8 @ 0x0003efe0 is .btl_ram</div>
    <div>0x200007a8 – 0x2000676c @ 0x0003e7a8 is .bss</div>
    <div>0x2000676c – 0x20006d70 @ 0x0003e7a8 is ._user_heap_stack</div>
    <div>-data-evaluate-expression “&_estack”</div>
    <div>-data-evaluate-expression “sizeof(void *)”</div>
    <div>-data-evaluate-expression “sizeof(int)”</div>
    <div>-data-evaluate-expression “sizeof(short)”</div>
    <div>-data-evaluate-expression “sizeof(long)”</div>
    <div>-data-evaluate-expression “sizeof(long long)”</div>
    <div>-data-evaluate-expression “sizeof(char)”</div>
    <div>-data-evaluate-expression “sizeof(wchar_t)”</div>
    <div>No symbol “wchar_t” in current context.</div>
    <div>-data-evaluate-expression “sizeof(float)”</div>
    <div>-data-evaluate-expression “sizeof(double)”</div>
    <div>-data-evaluate-expression “sizeof(long double)”</div>
    <div>-var-create – * “*((void **)0x20007fcc)”</div>
    <div>^done,name=”var1″,numchild=”0″,value=”0x802db03 <Reset_Handler+54>”,type=”void *”,has_more=”0″</div>
    <div>-var-assign “var1” 0x36305ee2</div>
    <div>-data-evaluate-expression “\*\(\(void\ \*\*\)0x20007fcc\)”</div>
    <div>-break-insert -f main</div>
    <div>Note: automatically using hardware breakpoints for read-only addresses.</div>
    <div>&”warning: platform-specific solib_create_inferior_hook did not load initial shared libraries.\n”</div>
    <div>Breakpoint 1, main () at E:\MesDocuments\Code_source\ST\App\Core\Src\main.c:166</div>
    <div>166   int8_t i8_ret_code = 0;</div>
    <div>-break-delete 1</div>


    And if I do it manually with a command tool, all is OK.

    Here is what I’m doing manually :

    c:\sysgcc\arm-eabi\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe –interpreter mi E:\MesDocuments\Code_source\ST\VisualGDB\App\Debug\App

    target extended-remote blackmagic.local:2345

    mon swdp_scan

    attach 1






    Thanks for your help


    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: ESP8266 IDF Style and OTA for 1MB flash #25050



    I’ve check with the last release of espressif SDK RTOS 3.1 and it’s working (https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK/tree/release/v3.1 last commit 22 days ago).

    Do you know if it’s planned to update the VisualGDB toolchain with the latest espressif SDK ?


    Also Espressif is working on the SDK 3.2 (master branch of git), but maybe this version still not good to be added to the VisualGDB toolchain ?





    in reply to: ESP8266 IDF Style and OTA for 1MB flash #25022



    Ok thanks I will check directly with espressif.

    in reply to: ESP-IDF function link and syntactic colors #24977



    I come back to you after discution with VA team.

    VA need a list of the code files that the solution contains.

    VA team ask me : “Do you know much about this project type, and the makefiles / CMakeLists.txt files that VisualGDB is generating?”

    Could you answer to this question ?

    I’ve open a ticket to VA Team, maybe you could discuss with them directly to try to solved the problem…

    Contact Colin at support@wholetomato.com and specify in the mail subject “(Case 140219) Visual Assist and Visual GDB”


    Both of VGDB and VA are important for me.

    Thank for your help.

    in reply to: ESP-IDF function link and syntactic colors #24955


    Ok thanks for your answer, I will ask it to Visual Assist support team.

    in reply to: ESP8266 new SDK #24780


    I’m come back about this subject, because there is a bug in the smartconfig lib of previous SDK.

    Espressif have fixed it in NONOS SDK 3.0.0.

    I’m using the esp8266-gcc5.2.0-r15 gnu toolchain today, but the smartconfig can’t be run with last Android phone and iOS.

    I’have made a mixe between the r15 toolchain and libs of the espressif SDK 3.0.0 only to check the bug fixed of the smartconfig. I’ts working fine for me.

    But I would like to know if you will be able to do an official release of this new SDK for Visual GDB.

    Thanks in advance

    in reply to: Print Memory usage report in function of linker sections #22774



    I found a way to do that, simply add to linker command line the option



    in reply to: ESP8266 new SDK #22699


    Thanks for your answer, I will wait for a stable release.

    in reply to: Print Memory usage report in function of linker sections #22436



    It’s exactly what I want.

    in reply to: Print Memory usage report in function of linker sections #22378



    Thanks for this, it will help me but not exactly what I would like to have….

    I explain more :

    My flash size is about 128K split into 3 different sections :

    • 4K for a bootloader
    • 62K for firmware application
    • 62K for new firmware downloaded and to be programmed by bootloader


    Since the full size of flash is 128K, the memory utilization report, or embedded memory explorer compute the usage with 128K  for size, but not with my active section of 62K.


    Is there a way to do this ?


    in reply to: STM32F4 FMC external NOR flash #21075



    Thanks for your answer.

    I’ve already modify some linker script by hand to add bootloader or enable CCM RAM.

    So I gess I can modify by hand too to add the external memory, based on the ST examples.


    I just was afraid if something else was modifyed, but you said not, so I happy 😉

    Thanks again

    in reply to: GDB stub for ESP8266 + FT4232 #20303


    You’re right ! something was wrong in the vgdbsettings file.

    I’ve create a new project and now it’s working fine.

    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: ESP8266 OTA SDK2.1.0 #19903



    Thanks a lot ! It’s working perfectly now !

    I will play with it…

    in reply to: Consulting How to add an SDK #13398


    I also need the new ESP8266 SDK version 2.1.0.

    Do you have any ideas of the delivery date of the new SDK ?


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