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IMO $(SolutionDir) could be more flexible. My other project is nRF5x based and also keeps nRF SDK within my source tree (project is a few years old – using latest nRF SDK would be stupid idea as it most likely will break everything). Don’t recall details but $(SolutionDir) would also work in nRF case while ‘IDF checkout’ solution – no.
It is just a suggestion – I’ve workaround and it works for me.
ParticipantFor example – to speficify IDF path in build environment I need to set IDF_PATH=$(ProjectDir.forwardslashes)/../esp-idf
Folder structure is as follows:
ParticipantFirst of all – thanks for your help. I really appericiate that.
I did it like you advised with some modifications (adjusted existing workspace modifying $(Solution).xml, set of *.vcxproj, etc)
+<ToolchainVersion>5.2.0/(crosstool-NG/r0</ToolchainVersion>and similar changes in corresponding files to allow VGDB pickup OpenOCD from BSP.
ParticipantWe can also help you integrate the original ESP32 toolchain into VisualGDB
Would be nice…
ParticipantUpdated my profile – now it points to email associated with license. You can contact me at this email or simply reply here – IMO it could be interested for others too.
ParticipantTo replicate my setup you need to:
- install Win10/64 + VS2015 + VisualGDB (+ GitExtensions + VisualAssist, but these are very optional)
- follow VisualGDB manul
- then, to make it simple, edit [esp32 toolchain]\etc\profile, adjust export IDF_PATH=/esp-idf.orig to point to your ESP IDF path (for example export IDF_PATH=/cygdrrive/c/project/esp-idf). in my case /cygdrrive/c/project/esp-idf is part of my project checkout – if you do something not trivial then you’ll want to keep esp-idf within your project tree – most likely you’ll need to tweak esp-idf sources and/or want to build your project exactly with your version of esp-idf.
This setup allows to use VS editing features + VisualGDB debugger. Note that ESP is not so comfortable for debugging as ARMs are. It is limited to 2 hardware breakpoints and debugging is not very stable. IMO VGDB guys did everythint what they could do – their debugger works perfectly with NRF51 or remote Linux, slow but still usable with Android native debugging (mainly due to huge amount of source files).
ParticipantHi guys,
good to hear that sysprogs is going to release new ESP32 update.
I’m using external ESP IDF (just changed ESP_PATH to my own tree) more than half year. IMHO using any other way (BSP generator and co) in ESP32 case is a way to nowhere:
1) Their stack is too big to be compiled as single module, a lot of renames and tricks are need to support that.
2) Their stack quality is far from … adequate. If you have something a bit more complex than ‘hello led’ you need to update their stack offten, merging different fixes, and sometimes – updating 3rd party libraries manually (for example – libsoudium) and it is not quick task if we use generated BSP.
3) If you are part of team you can’t assume that everyone is using VisualGDB – our hardware engineer uses Linux, firmware – Windows, managment – OS X. All of them need to compile firmware. So they have to use ESP-IDF path to build firmware.
4) All 3rd party libraries ported to ESP32 are available as ESP-IDF ‘components’ – no sense to spend any time integrating them again into thing generated by BSP generator.
VisualGDB guys, if I could suggest:
- Use ESP-IDF way as your primary integration path (will save some time on BSPGenerator).
- Allow to replace/update xtensa toolchain by this one (right now trying to resolve xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-mfix-esp32-psram-cache-issue’ which is not supported by your toolchain).
- Allow to replace/update OpenOCD.
- Add article explaining how to work with ‘Full-custom mode’ – that would be helpful (tried to integrate Espressif’s OpenOCD + gcc – was unable to get debugger working – don’t recall details – it was half year ago).
And thanks for your great tool!
ParticipantThanks for your reply.
After trying to tweak ESP32 BSP generator to import latest ESP-IDF (took me some time but I did it) I think that custom build ( is best possible way to develop for ESP32.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by