Jose Cazarin

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  • in reply to: Example doesnt work without debug #29644
    Jose Cazarin

    It still doesn’t work after power cycling the board

    And if I program the board with the “Program and start without debugging” option and then attach to it using the “Attach to running embedded firmware” (even after a power cycle) I can see in the stack trace that it received some signal handler that sends the board to the hard fault handler, that’s showed in the attached picture


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    in reply to: Get string version of CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS #29608
    Jose Cazarin

    Ok, thank you

    in reply to: Reported available RAM #29185
    Jose Cazarin

    Thanks for the answer. I was referring to the report in the screenshot attached. It doesn’t take into account the size of the heap and stack. So I don’t actually have 250KB of RAM available, it’s 250 – stack_size – heap_size.
    Is there any way I can print that value taking into account the size of the stack and the heap?

    Thanks again!

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    in reply to: Disable Unit Test Support for a single build configuration #29075
    Jose Cazarin

    We don’t use the Cmake build in our project, we use the MSBuild from Visual Studio, is there support for it as well?

    Jose Cazarin

    I’m actually using an NRF5x device, so maybe that’s the problem in the first place?

    Jose Cazarin

    So, I’m using version 5.5 preview 5, build 3595
    In the attached screenshots, after I click in “Enable relocation record generation” in the step_2 screen, a window pops up and tells me to rebuild the project and then go back to that screen
    After I go back to that screen, I can see the screen in the step_3 image
    After that, I go to “Analyze performance with visualGDB”, and then I can see the screen on step_4
    I select the second option “Instrument functions to record their time”
    But when I click “Ok” I see the error on error_1.
    That’s when I tried to add the call to InitializeInstrumentingProfiler and then I got my original error

    Am I doing it right?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Jose Cazarin.
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    Jose Cazarin

    It wasn’t automatically added to the build, I did it manually (had to go to the C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\EmbeddedEFPs\Profiler) directory to find the file
    I did that, but now I’m getting the same errors but related to other functions, and it’s strange because they are defined in that same file
    Shouldn’t the InstrumentingProfiler.cpp be added automatically in the first place when I checked the box to enable the Profiling?

    in reply to: Include paths with -isystem instead of -I #28130
    Jose Cazarin

    Thank you for the answer!

    Jose Cazarin

    I’m attaching a screenshot. So, this was converted to a stand-alone project, right?

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    Jose Cazarin

    I’m trying to add the SPI slave feature in a NRF52840 device through the visualGDB Embedded Frameworks Window, but the only framework in the list is the “Fast Semihosting and Embedded Profiler”. How can I add make the SDK features appear in this window?

    in reply to: Support for Parametrized Tests on google test? #27559
    Jose Cazarin

    Thank you, that will be very helpful!

    in reply to: Maximum size ELF file? #27462
    Jose Cazarin

    I found the problem! I was taking a look at the Debug Settings to try to implement the workaround that you suggested and I realized that our debug setting was set for the NRF2832 (which was the device that we started in our project). But now we are using an NRF2840 (which has two times the flash size than the NRF2832). Some time ago our code wasn’t using more than 50% of the flash so we had no problems. But now we got past this threshold so we need to update the debug settings for the NRF2840.

    Thank you so much!

    in reply to: Maximum size ELF file? #27459
    Jose Cazarin

    Thank you!

    If I disable memory verification, the error goes away but the board is not successfully programmed

    This hints that there’s really a problem with the flashing. When I click the “show details” three windows appear: GDB session, Exception details, and JLinkGDBServerCL

    I’m attaching here the messages in these three windows because I could not figure out what may be causing the problem. I guess its something related to the size of the binary file generated because when our codebase was smaller the programming worked well. I would like your help in trying to find out what’s causing this. I had to manually merge the 3 files into one file because I cannot attach more than one file in my post. So I added some separators for each session in the form of a header with a long sequence of “=”

    The main reason why I want this to work is that this seems to be related to the fact that I cannot run the tests on the code anymore (using Google Tests). When I try to run the tests, it seems that Visual Studio flashes the device in the same way it does when I click in “Program and Start Without Debugging”. But after that, the Testing Suite just hangs and does not run the tests. I tried removing all tests and adding just a dummy test with ASSERT_EQ(true, true) and not even this test runs. So I guess the device is not being programmed correctly, that’s why the Test Suite hangs. And if I go back to an old version of our code (into which the programming with the “Program and Start Without Debugging” option works), the tests run fine.




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    in reply to: Maximum size ELF file? #27451
    Jose Cazarin

    Just to be clearer: when our code was smaller (elf file around 1.43 Mb) we didnt have this error

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by Jose Cazarin.
    in reply to: Compile on command line #27371
    Jose Cazarin

    Thank you that worked!

    Another question: should the Makefile work out of the box in this way in Linux environments?

    I have a Ubuntu VM in my computer running through the WSL. I used all of the commands in the Ubuntu environment (changing them to the respective Linux commands), but I’m getting some errors of files not being found, like:

    arm-eabi-g++.exe: fatal error: no input files
    arm-eabi-g++.exe: error: /path/to/my/file/my_file.cpp: No such file or directory (the path exists, that’s why this error is weird)

    Does it need some kind of tweaking to get the build done on a Linux environment?

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