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  • in reply to: VisualGDB hangs when creating new project #11213


    If it was not VS2017, we would recommend attaching another VS instance to the hanging one and checking the call stack of the main thread. This should explain what exactly is causing the delay.

    in reply to: VisualGDB hangs when creating new project #11211


    If you are using VS2017, this could be caused by the bugs in the AddFilter() API in Visual Studio.

    We are actually experimenting with editing the .vcxproj files directly instead of using the buggy API, so feel free to try this build and let us know if it solves the problem:

    in reply to: OpenOCD ESP-IDF FreeRTOS support #11210


    Not in the next 2-3 months, sorry.



    This could be caused by some strange interference with VisualGDB. Please try uninstalling VisualGDB and see if VisualKernel menus reappear. If yes, please let us know your VisualGDB and VisualKernel versions.

    in reply to: OpenOCD ESP-IDF FreeRTOS support #11207


    We have managed to get it working, but it currently interferes with our FLASH programming logic, so using this mode is somewhat hacky:

    1. First add “-Wl,–undefined=uxTopUsedPriority” to your linker command line in order to include the symbols necessary for OpenOCD to detect FreeRTOS.
    2. Then start debugging and load your firmware to FLASH as usual.
    3. Once the firmware is loaded, edit the <sysgcc>\esp32\esp32-bsp\OpenOCD\share\openocd\scripts\target\esp32.cfg file as follows:
      set ESP32_RTOS FreeRTOS
      #target smp $_TARGETNAME1 $_TARGETNAME2 <==== Comment this line at the end of esp32.cfg
    4. Now disable FLASH programming on the Debug Settings page of VisualGDB Project Properties and run debugging.

    Next time you modify your program, you would need to change the esp32.cfg back and re-program the FLASH (or use to program the FLASH over the serial port).



    Thanks for checking this. If the extension is loaded, please check if it appears under Tools->Extensions and Updates and whether the Help->About VisualKernel command is visible. If yes, please let us know what exact functionality is broken.

    in reply to: Issue with STM32 BSP 4.2 #11200


    The STM32 software packages often break backward compatibility in minor ways (e.g. by introducing new configuration variables that the project needs to define). Usually this type of problem can be very easily fixed by creating a new project with the new BSP and checking where the missing entity is defined. Once you locate the definition, simply copy if to the old project and it should build again.

    in reply to: OpenOCD and LPC1549 issues #11197

    No problem, we ran a quick test with OpenOCD. It turns out that when OpenOCD accepts an incoming connection from gdb, it tries to detect the FLASH ID of the on-board FLASH memory and the code used to do that hangs, so on OpenOCD side it looks like a gdb timeout and on gdb side it looks like an OpenOCD timeout.

    Looks like there were attempts to add support for LPC1549 into OpenOCD (e.g. see this patch), but they seem to be abandoned, most likely due to low interest. As the J-Link solution works out-of-the-box and does not require any extra hardware (the on-board LPC-Link can is turned into a J-Link), we would recommend using it instead and will not do any more investigation into the OpenOCD bug. Let us know if you would like us the send you the board back.

    in reply to: Hardware Registers & Watch1 windows greyed out. #11193


    Thanks, that’s a good point. We will consider adding some sort of an “under investigation” flag to the forum posts so that we can share the investigation progress without closing the topics.



    Please try running devenv.exe /ResetSkipPkgs. If this does not help, please double-check that the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Sysprogs\VisualKernel\extension.vsixmanifest” file exists and is not corrupt. If this does not help either, please try running devenv.exe /log and check the ActivityLog.xml file for messages related to VisualKernel.

    in reply to: natvis support for Visual Studio 2013 #11191


    VisualGDB supports the .natvis files on all supported VS versions as long as the files are explicitly added to the project in Solution Explorer.

    You can check the View->Other Windows->VisualGDB Diagnostics Console for messages explaining the .natvis file search.

    in reply to: Import STM32 Samples #11190


    Our latest STM32 BSP includes many of the ST examples, so you can simply select “STM32Cube examples” on the sample selection page of the VisualGDB project wizard and pick a sample project to import.

    If you want to import a different project, you can use the “Import existing project” option in the wizard, but you would need to manually locate and specify various build settings (e.g. include directories and preprocessor macros).

    in reply to: ESP32 Toolchain Update #11189

    Yes, we have just released the new toolchain.

    Note that it requires a few extra configuration steps, so please follow the updated ESP32 tutorial to get started with it.

    in reply to: OpenOCD and LPC1549 issues #11187


    You can try installing the WinUSB driver for the virtual J-Link device and using OpenOCD to debug it (FLASH programming may be less reliable and may require selecting a script manually), although the debugging experience will be less convenient than with the Segger software.


    in reply to: Hardware Registers & Watch1 windows greyed out. #11181


    Sorry, an overnight fix on Sunday night is a bit beyond our capabilities.

    We have investigated this and confirmed a bug in our register definitions for Tiva devices. We have updated our BSP with the correct definitions.

    You can install the latest BSP via Tools->Manage VisualGDB Packages.

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