How does the generated bin file burn into the motherboard?
I am developing esp8266, how to generate the bin file how to burn into the motherboard, generated several bin files
The ESP8266 images consist of several non-consequent blocks that need to be programmed at different addresses in the FLASH memory following the “<Project Name>-<Offset>.bin” syntax. The “<project name>.bin” file is generated by the regular objcopy tool that is not aware of the ESP8266 specifics and should be ignored.
But the file I generated is not “<Project Name>-<Offset>.bin” syntax. Is it something that needs to be set?
The file I generated is just “<Project Name>.bin” syntax
The <offset> files are generated when you debug your program first. You can also use the ESPImageTool.exe from the <toolchain>\esp8266-bsp directory to generate the files or program them via the bootloader.
I clicked the “program and start Without debuging” and became a two “<project name>-<Offset>. bin” file that has been written to normal, thanks very much.