I have a STM32CubeMX VisualGDB project set up for a STM32F407 eval board using the GNUARM toolchain. I have set up the STM32CubeMX configuration and the ioc file is saved in the same directory as the CMakeLists.txt file, but the ‘find_bsp’ function does not appear to be working correctly. I get a CMake error ‘include could not find load file: ../build/VisualGDB/Debug/BSP.cmake’, even though the find_bsp functiuon seems to be pointing at the ioc file. STM32 Devices 2020.10 is installed.
The function in CMakeLists.txt is below
find_bsp(ID com.sysprogs.project_importers.stm32.cubemx
SOURCE_PROJECT EmbeddedProject8.ioc)