Call for feature requests

Sysprogs forums Forums WinCDEmu Call for feature requests

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  • #1682

    WinCDEmu is a superb piece of software. Both the user interface and the functionality are second to none, including paid-for products, and it seems ungracious to ask for more. However I would like a few things:

    • To be notified of the chosen drive letter when an image is mounted
    • To be able to predetermine a set of drive letters available for WinCDEmu’s use
    • When offering a selection of available drive letters for a mount, to include those already in use by WinCDEmu (including the disk label). Selecting a letter already in use would first force a dismount

    @Borodin wrote:

    [*] When offering a selection of available drive letters for a mount, to include those already in use by WinCDEmu (including the disk label). Selecting a letter already in use would first force a dismount[/list]

    I would also like something similar to this:
    [*]Be able to choose the limit of virtual drives allowed and if limit is reached, dismount the oldest and remount with the new image file (I mainly want to have a single virtual drive to mount images over without needing to eject)


    feature request for
    – mounting pop-up dialog: allow re-use a virtual drive already in use
    – settings: option to auto-unmount already mounted image when doubleclicking/mounting new image (as default action)

    usecase: use doubleclick to mount image, just need for a single virtual drive which should hold the current mounted image. currently you manually need to unmount the already mounted image, then mount the new one. in the pop-up dialog upon mounting there is also no option to re-use the existing drive letter / aka unmount the already mounted image before mounting the new one.


    The most important feature of portable version: do NOT require admin rights! Try to mount it without admin rights and kernel-mode drivers (which do always require admin)…

    I know, it certainly has some limitations – only the current user could see the virtual drive, and it could probably not survive a reboot – but the real PORTABLE
    version of a program should let the user run it on ANY computer – including on those where the user does NOT have administrative privileges (in school, office etc)…

    And it would be a great feature since not ONE of the programs I’ve EVER found does mount anything anywhere without needing admin rights – your program would
    be the absolute winner in this category! Just imagine that šŸ˜€


    I may be barking up the wrong tree, but it seems that WinCDEmu can’t read disks with audio data. You mention only reading Data CDs on the main page, and I don’t hear any CD audio in the game I’m trying to run. It’s in the CUE/BIN format, and it definitely includes the audio tracks.

    If audio is supposed to work, then maybe we need to work on a bug report.


    As a pie-in–the-sky feature, I’d love to be able to mount Cue sheets that contain references to MP3s or other compressed audio formats. But that’s not what I’m asking for above. I mean a standard Cue sheet, where the audio is stored, uncompressed, in the BIN file.

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