Arduino project not using Picoprobe to program flash

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    I’m new to using the picoprobe with visualgdb.  I was able to build a hello world program using the picosdk, then load (program flash) and debug it using the probe.  I then created a hello world program using the Arduino environment.

    I set the debugger to be the picoprobe.  From the selection, it appears the system should use the picoprobe to program the flash.  However, when I tell VisualGDB to build and program the flash, it fails to upload the sketch.  This is what’s in the window for the failure:


    Run "C:\Users\joe\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\rp2040\tools\pqt-python3\1.0.1-base-3a57aed\python3 -I "C:\Users\joe\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\rp2040\hardware\rp2040\3.4.0/tools/" --serial "COM17" --family RP2040 --deploy "C:\Users\joe\Documents\GitHub\ArduinoProject2\Output\Raspberry_Pi_Pico\Debug/Multicore.ino.uf2"" in directory "" on local computer
    Resetting COM17
    Converting to uf2, output size: 140288, start address: 0x2000
    Scanning for RP2040 devices
    No drive to deploy.
    Command exited with code 1

    I would have expected it the command to be an opencd command rather than a python command.  Am I missing a setting.

    I’ve a attached a screen shot of  the debug settings.

    Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks



    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by support. Reason: formatting
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    There are 2 ways of programming the FLASH memory for Arduino projects:

    • The context menu command in Solution Explorer will use the Arduino-level commands to do it. This is what the log shows.
    • Debug->Program and Start Without Debugging will use the VisualGDB-level logic. Specifically, it will start a debug session, program the FLASH memory, and immediately detach from the target.

    I tried the second suggestion above, but that didn’t work.  Attached is a screen shot of what happens.  I see no GDB internal error.

    And the first produces the error I posted.  So right now I have no means of uploading an arduino project with a debugger attached.

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    The screenshot you attached shows the generic message, but does not show the actual gdb log. You can view the log by clicking on the “GDB session” tab in the error window.


    There was nothing worthwhile in the GDB Session tab.  The openocd may be a little more useful.  I’ve attached both.



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    This means that the gdb executable exited before outputting anything at all. Most likely, it is missing some dependencies.

    You can try locating it, running it, and manually resolving any missing dependencies it reports. You can also try replacing it with the gdb binary from our ARM toolchain.

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