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  • rakesa3590

    hi ,

    I am testing some code on a custom board containing stm32H7 , using visualgdb and segger J-link EDU . using STlink V2 everything works normally. however using J-link debugging works OK , but when I program release version it programs correctly but program doesnot start (I have selected the option reset after programming). even if debugger is removed from board . the only solution is to connect reset to gnd

    info: i am using SWD interface , Reset is connected and verified it is being pulled low briefly during flashing. Also on the custom board the boot 0 is connected to GND using pull down resistor .

    In debug settings/ adavanced settings / startup GDB command :

    target remote:$$SYS:GDB_PORT$$

    mon reset


    mon reset


    What i should add after mon reset to make the target start execution (run) ???

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