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  • in reply to: Autocomplete only on Tab press #35956

    Fine. Thank you very much for the explanation. I’ll be patient then.

    in reply to: Autocomplete only on Tab press #35953

    im comming back to  this. This still annoy me very often. Is adding a setting to change the key to validate the autocomplete really that hard to add ? Am i missing something ? Do i need to keep bringing you exemples ?

    in reply to: Repeating inclusion of same include directory #35952

    well i don’t really have the time to do that right now but i’ll come back to you once i have it.

    in reply to: Autocomplete only on Tab press #35695

    Another insanely annoying behavior that come from this is when i use multi-line edit. In the screenshot, i am trying to add the keyword “static” before 3 different lines, using the multi line edit tool ( shift + alt ). The autocomplete corretly assume that i want to use “static”. I press the spacebar and it autocomplete corretly but it cancel my multi line edit , and only the first line get edited, completly defeating the purpose.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by Nakame.
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    in reply to: Cmake error incorect git version #35687

    Thank you very much ! I will try this solution as soon as i have some time to spare.

    in reply to: Autocomplete only on Tab press #35683

    In the linked screenshot, i am trying to type in a variable nammed X, as in

    int ( &X )[ 100] )


    However, pressing spacebar after the “X”  here will autocomplete to X_OK . I just want a space.

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    in reply to: Cmake error incorect git version #35671

    ho and here is the error i get. You can see that the git executable found is located inside the toolchain folder and not in windows as expected.

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    in reply to: Cmake error incorect git version #35668

    Hello !


    @bfannery thank you very much ! This is helpful and i learned something 🙂 Unfortunatly it doest solve the issue at all. I have the exact same error . From what i can gather the error come from the fact that cmake in visualGDB projects look for git in the toolchain folder and so fail to use it ( since it’s a git for linux and i am working on window ) I could not find a way to force cmake to look inside another forlder  for git …

    @support I used the method showed by @bfannery to try and fetch a git folder for another cmake project i made using visualGDB and i am having the same error. I am joining here both cmakefiles


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    in reply to: Cmake error incorect git version #35652

    @bflannery thank you for the link but i had already tryed that before comming here 🙂 How can i force the directory for git myself ?


    @support i am almost positive this have something to do with visualGDB as it does work on other cmake project. Here is the screenshots of me creating a new project from scratch and failing

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    in reply to: Autocomplete only on Tab press #35651

    Allright i have the first good exemple that is very easy to reproduce here.


    In my norm, there is a rule that say that inside preprocessor conditions i am supposed to put a space between the ‘#’ and the rest. For exemple :

    #ifdef __GNU_C__

    # define className __PRETTY_FUNCTION__


    Notice the space between ‘#’ and ‘define’ . With visualGDB , when i press the space after the #, it autocomplete to “#assert”. Again, this is an exemple, it happens on a lot of other things. It is rare enought that i don’t desactivate autocomplete alltogether but it is still annoying when it happen. An easy fix to that is to have an option to disable autocomplete on space and instead use tab . or even better, set the key yourself.

    in reply to: Cmake error incorect git version #35645

    While i agree that it is a cmake problem, it is also a visualGDB problem as other cmake projects seem to work fine.

    I do have git installed for window and the PATH environment variable is corretly set. Git work in the window cmd terminal without issues, but the visualGDB cmake file stubornly keep looking for git inside the toolchain files. I did not find a way to force it to look for my local git installation .


    C:\Users\User>git version
    git version


    in reply to: Autocomplete only on Tab press #35625

    Hello !


    I don’t have an exemple right now ( and i am working on some electronic stuff for now ) but i will post one as soon as i stumble accross one.

    In the meantime you can imagine that i am not taking the time to post here if it wasnt a frustrating problem for me. When i press the space bar, i expect the end of the word. Period. If i want an autocompletion, i would usually press the “Enter” or “Tab” key. I assume from your response that this is not possible using visualGDB ?

    I will post an exemple as soon as possible.

    in reply to: element template for cmake project #35593

    Hello !

    Thanks to your little guide i was able to do what i wanted. Thank you very much !


    I understand and i kinda saw it comming 🙂


    I’ll find a way ! Thank you for trying anyway !


    hello !

    Thanks for your response ! Unfortunatly after i exported the command line it is rather obvious that it will not work for building directly on the target machine ( it use the toolchain to build ). I will start following some cmake tutorials to try and understand what is going wrong but as of now i am at a loss.

    I joined the batch file to this post so you can have a look. If you have a quick fix i would be very grateful, otherwise i guess i got to learn to use cmake xD .


    anyway thank you for taking the time to help !

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