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  • in reply to: Using os-printf in ESP8266 IoT-SDK #7031

    Thank you very much!

    in reply to: Debugging ESP8266 #7007

    Hello again,

    changing flash mode from qio to dio did the job 🙂

    One last question: Now I’m trying to send a simple text over UART.
    I added the “Peripheral Drivers (IoT)” in Properties -> Frameworks. Why can’t I use os_printf(“hello”)?
    There is a define is osapi.h:

    #define os_printf os_printf_plus

    The error is: ‘os_printf_plus’ was not declared in this scope.

    Do I have to add a library in Properties -> Makefile settings -> Library Directories ?



    in reply to: Debugging ESP8266 #6968

    Hello again,

    it seems the program does not start from flash. When I create the HTTP example, it looks like the flash programming is finished and the error message is appearing when the debugging starts.
    However, when I disconnect the debugger and reset the chip, no WLAN-AP does appear.

    Do I have to adapt the flash configuration parameters? What can I do to solve this?


    in reply to: Debugging ESP8266 #6965

    Some additional Information: I am using a J-Link Edu as Debugging device. It makes no difference if I connect the ESPs reset Signal to nTRST (JTAG reset) or to RESET (System reset) of the J-Link.

    in reply to: Debugging ESP8266 #6964

    I have the nodemcu devkit.

    The board was not starting from Flash because I removed a low-resistive connection between GPIO15 and GND for testing purposes. Now i have inserted a 10k resistor, so the board will try starting from flash.
    Unfortunately I have a new problem: Received a SIGTRAP: Trace/breakpoint trap.

    Can you help me with that?

    Thank you very much!

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