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  • in reply to: debugging STM32 makefile project on W10 WSL #26396


    The error is because it does not accept the path string as you have specified, or for that matter at all.

    I have tried just adding PATH = %PATH%

    it fails with the same error.

    This is not a problem with the path on the machine but rather with the tool and or the way your specified the parameters.

    See below for the exact same error even if no path is added.

    “While we are happy to point to a VisualGDB setting that allows specifying the PATH variable, it is beyond the scope of our support to suggest a specific path string that will work with a specific project”

    I have asked for a generic solution not a specific one. I have detailed the results for countless entries including no path entry all with the same failure.

    You could easily just supply a sample showing the path to the root folder or even one with no extra path added as I have done, and check that it works.

    Please send me your name along with the contact information of your supervisor, or alternatively supply the simple information required or check that what you have supplied indeed does work.



    LANG = en_US.UTF-8 PATH = $PATH DISPLAY = :10
    Command exited with code 1
    Executable: make
    Directory: /mnt/c/Users/kentm/Documents/GITHUB/SW4STMWorkspace/kocherga-demo
    Command-line action failed


    in reply to: debugging STM32 makefile project on W10 WSL #26392

    I have wasted a lot of time again because of incomplete and incorrect information.

    Could you please provide correct complete information with a written example and try it yourself please.



    in reply to: debugging STM32 makefile project on W10 WSL #26391

    I removed the lang = … but odly it still shows up when I build again.

    Yes I have saved it, and changed the text slightly to ensure that it is getting updated when I build fine.

    But the Lang setting is getting added by your code somewhere behind the scenes.


    in reply to: debugging STM32 makefile project on W10 WSL #26390

    also tried


    please advise what is wrong with commands

    in reply to: debugging STM32 makefile project on W10 WSL #26389

    I have tried many options but can’t seem to get the=is to work.

    Again please provide a sample

    I have tried:






    The path i found from “which” command from WSL terminal.


    in reply to: debugging STM32 makefile project on W10 WSL #26388

    LANG = en_US.UTF-8 PATH = $PATH:/home/kentm/gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update/bin//arm-none-eabi-g++ DISPLAY = :10
    Command exited with code 1
    Executable: make
    Directory: /mnt/c/Users/kentm/Documents/GITHUB/SW4STMWorkspace/kocherga-demo
    Command-line action failed

    ========== Project Build Summary ==========
    kocherga-demo-linux2 built in 00:01
    ========== Build: 0 Succeeded, 1 Failed ==========


    it would appear not


    in reply to: debugging STM32 makefile project on W10 WSL #26387

    is this correct



    in reply to: debugging STM32 makefile project on W10 WSL #26386

    is this correct:

    LANG=en_US.UTF-8; PATH=%PATH%:/home/kentm/gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update/bin//arm-none-eabi-g++


    please be more specific with an example please


    in reply to: debugging STM32 makefile project on W10 WSL #26385

    environment shows:


    do you wish to keep this?

    if so , what is the separator?


    in reply to: debugging STM32 makefile project on W10 WSL #26384

    and environment is hidden under a pulldown.

    You are making this harder than it needs to be

    in reply to: debugging STM32 makefile project on W10 WSL #26383

    next time try

    Project Properties -> Build Settings-> Build Command -> Environment:


    Please stop omitting parts of the description , you have done this a number of times


    in reply to: debugging STM32 makefile project on W10 WSL #26381

    ok I have set up project as you have described with the new version of GDB.

    The result is the same:



    arm-none-eabi-g++ build/obj/crt0_v7m.o build/obj/vectors.o build/obj/chcoreasm_v7m.o build/obj/canard.o build/obj/canard_stm32.o build/obj/crt1.o build/obj/chsys.o build/obj/chdebug.o build/obj/chtrace.o build/obj/chvt.o build/obj/chschd.o build/obj/chthreads.o build/obj/chtm.o build/obj/chstats.o build/obj/chregistry.o build/obj/chsem.o build/obj/chmtx.o build/obj/chcond.o build/obj/chevents.o build/obj/chmsg.o build/obj/chdynamic.o build/obj/chmboxes.o build/obj/chmemcore.o build/obj/chheap.o build/obj/chmempools.o build/obj/chfactory.o build/obj/chcore.o build/obj/chcore_v7m.o build/obj/osal.o build/obj/hal.o build/obj/hal_buffers.o build/obj/hal_queues.o build/obj/hal_mmcsd.o build/obj/hal_adc.o build/obj/hal_can.o build/obj/hal_crypto.o build/obj/hal_dac.o build/obj/hal_ext.o build/obj/hal_gpt.o build/obj/hal_i2c.o build/obj/hal_i2s.o build/obj/hal_icu.o build/obj/hal_mac.o build/obj/hal_mmc_spi.o build/obj/hal_pal.o build/obj/hal_pwm.o build/obj/hal_qspi.o build/obj/hal_rtc.o build/obj/hal_sdc.o build/obj/hal_serial.o build/obj/hal_serial_usb.o build/obj/hal_spi.o build/obj/hal_st.o build/obj/hal_uart.o build/obj/hal_usb.o build/obj/hal_wdg.o build/obj/nvic.o build/obj/stm32_isr.o build/obj/hal_lld.o build/obj/hal_adc_lld.o build/obj/hal_can_lld.o build/obj/hal_dac_lld.o build/obj/stm32_dma.o build/obj/hal_ext_lld.o build/obj/hal_pal_lld.o build/obj/hal_i2c_lld.o build/obj/hal_mac_lld.o build/obj/hal_usb_lld.o build/obj/hal_qspi_lld.o build/obj/hal_rtc_lld.o build/obj/hal_i2s_lld.o build/obj/hal_spi_lld.o build/obj/hal_sdc_lld.o build/obj/hal_st_lld.o build/obj/hal_gpt_lld.o build/obj/hal_icu_lld.o build/obj/hal_pwm_lld.o build/obj/hal_serial_lld.o build/obj/hal_uart_lld.o build/obj/hal_wdg_lld.o build/obj/chprintf.o build/obj/memstreams.o build/obj/nullstreams.o build/obj/syscalls.o build/obj/app_shared.o build/obj/board.o build/obj/main.o build/obj/libstdcpp.o build/obj/sys_console.o build/obj/sys.o build/obj/uavcan.o build/obj/ch.o build/obj/syscalls_cpp.o -mcpu=cortex-m4 -Wdouble-promotion -Wswitch-enum -Wfloat-equal -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-strict-overflow -Wno-implicit-fallthrough -falign-functions=16 -U__STRICT_ANSI__ -fno-exceptions -fno-unwind-tables -fno-stack-protector -fno-builtin-printf -fno-builtin-fprintf -fno-builtin-vprintf -fno-builtin-vfprintf -fno-builtin-puts -u_port_lock -u_port_unlock -u_exit -u_kill -u_getpid -uchThdExit -u__errno -fno-single-precision-constant -nodefaultlibs -lc -lgcc -lm -O0 -g3 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-common -flto -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -fsingle-precision-constant -nostartfiles -L./ -Wl,-Map=build/,–cref,–no-warn-mismatch,–library-path=/ld,–script=ld.ld,–gc-sections,–defsym=__process_stack_size__=0x1000,–defsym=__main_stack_size__=0x1000 -mno-thumb-interwork -mthumb -o build/kocherga_demo.elf
    make: arm-none-eabi-g++: Command not found
    chibios/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/ recipe for target ‘build/kocherga_demo.elf’ failed
    make: *** [build/kocherga_demo.elf] Error 127
    Command exited with code 2
    Executable: make
    Directory: /mnt/c/Users/kentm/Documents/GITHUB/SW4STMWorkspace/kocherga-demo
    Command-line action failed

    ========== Project Build Summary ==========
    kocherga-demo-linux2 built in 00:02
    ========== Build: 0 Succeeded, 1 Failed ==========


    i.e. make: arm-none-eabi-g++: Command not found

    Can you please help to fix this problem.


    in reply to: debugging STM32 makefile project on W10 WSL #26375

    please note the screen shots not allowing further setup if code access not setup

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: debugging STM32 makefile project on W10 WSL #26374



    The source code access page is required since it won’t let me complete until this is filled.

    I cannot continue with your tool.

    It is set by default to setup shares and mounts manually and has by defult the windows path to the source.

    It however will not let me continue with this value.

    Please explain


    in reply to: debugging STM32 makefile project on W10 WSL #26372

    Please note.

    my code exists in only one folder on one windows machine.

    There are 2 paths either through WSL or windows to the same folder.

    The makefile is in the root of this folder.

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