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  • in reply to: WinCDEmu crashes #2019

    WinCDEmu was also crashing (silently – open iso with wincdemu and the process shows up for a second along with werfault.exe then it disappeared or sometimes stayed around forever eating one core worth of cpu) for me on win 7 and uninstalling and reinstalling in a different directory fixed it. I had already uninstalled/reinstalled several times and nothing worked until I clicked the checkbox to change settings during install and changed the installation directory. I had winzip installed which had ISOs associated with it, so I was initially thinking that was the problem. It works now, so I’m happy. Thanks for this program! I’ve wondered for years why windows never allowed mounting ISOs natively, oh well.

    in reply to: VisualGDB: cannot build Android native library #2294

    Anybody home ?

    in reply to: Call for feature requests #1689

    Bluray support.
    It may have been added, I can’t check at this moment in time.

    in reply to: Driver installation timed out #1424

    @OliT wrote:


    I have the problem that WinCDEmu is not working on my Windows 7 Ultimate (32-Bit). I had installed V3.1 one month ago and it worked perfectly. As I wanted to mount an ISO image yesterday it failed for unknown reasons (no new drive and no error indication). So I

    • Uninstalled V 3.1, Rebooted[/*:2m6nr66k]
    • Ran wcdcleanup, Rebooted[/*:2m6nr66k]
    • Installed the latest V3.3.1, Rebooted[/*:2m6nr66k]

    After this mounting an ISO image started the installation of a new device driver which timed out after 5 minutes with error 0x000005b4 which is just the error code for timeout (see the attached extract of One main difference of installed software on my system between the working state and the current state of failure is the installation of iTunes in the meantime which was already mentioned as a trouble maker in other threads.

    Any ideas what might go wrong ?

    >>>  [Device Install (Hardware initiated) - BazisVirtualCDBusStandardDeviceVirtualCD_0000]
    >>> Section start 2010/04/24 08:19:51.683
    ump: Creating Install Process: DrvInst.exe 08:19:51.685
    ndv: Retrieving device info...
    ndv: Setting device parameters...
    ndv: Searching Driver Store and Device Path...
    dvi: {Build Driver List} 08:19:52.658
    cpy: Policy is set to make all digital signatures equal.
    dvi: Enumerating INFs from path list 'C:Windowsinf'
    inf: Opened PNF: 'C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositorycdrom.inf_x86_neutral_db87d184bc84f910cdrom.inf' ([strings.0409])
    dvi: Created Driver Node:
    dvi: HardwareID - GenCdRom
    dvi: InfName - C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositorycdrom.inf_x86_neutral_db87d184bc84f910cdrom.inf
    dvi: DevDesc - CD-ROM Drive
    dvi: DrvDesc - CD-ROM Drive
    dvi: Provider - Microsoft
    dvi: Mfg - (Standard CD-ROM drives)
    dvi: ModelsSec - cdrom_device.NTx86
    dvi: InstallSec - cdrom_install
    dvi: ActualSec - cdrom_install
    dvi: Rank - 0x00ff0000
    dvi: Signer - Microsoft Windows
    dvi: Signer Score - INBOX
    dvi: DrvDate - 06/21/2006
    dvi: Version - 6.1.7600.16385
    dvi: {Build Driver List - exit(0x00000000)} 08:19:52.982
    ndv: Selecting best match from Driver Store (including Device Path)...
    dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV} 08:19:52.985
    dvi: Using exported function 'DvdClassInstaller' in module 'C:Windowssystem32storprop.dll'.
    dvi: Class installer == storprop.dll,DvdClassInstaller
    dvi: Using exported function 'StorageCoInstaller' in module 'C:Windowssystem32SysClass.Dll'.
    dvi: CoInstaller 1 == SysClass.Dll,StorageCoInstaller
    dvi: Using exported function 'CriticalDeviceCoInstaller' in module 'C:Windowssystem32SysClass.Dll'.
    dvi: CoInstaller 2 == SysClass.Dll,CriticalDeviceCoInstaller
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Enter 08:19:53.013
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Exit
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Enter 08:19:53.016
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Exit
    dvi: Class installer: Enter 08:19:53.019
    dvi: Class installer: Exit
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 08:19:53.022
    dvi: {Select Best Driver}
    dvi: Selected driver installs from section [cdrom_install] in 'c:windowssystem32driverstorefilerepositorycdrom.inf_x86_neutral_db87d184bc84f910cdrom.inf'.
    dvi: {DIF_DESTROYPRIVATEDATA} 08:19:53.027
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Enter 08:19:53.029
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Exit
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Enter 08:19:53.032
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Exit
    dvi: Class installer: Enter 08:19:53.035
    dvi: Class installer: Exit
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 08:19:53.038
    dvi: Default installer: Exit
    dvi: {DIF_DESTROYPRIVATEDATA - exit(0xe000020e)} 08:19:53.041
    dvi: Set selected driver complete.
    dvi: Selected:
    dvi: Description - [CD-ROM Drive]
    dvi: InfFile - [c:windowssystem32driverstorefilerepositorycdrom.inf_x86_neutral_db87d184bc84f910cdrom.inf]
    dvi: Section - [cdrom_install]
    dvi: Signer - [Microsoft Windows]
    dvi: Rank - [0x00ff0000]
    dvi: {Select Best Driver - exit(0x00000000)}
    dvi: Default installer: Exit
    dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV - exit(0x00000000)} 08:19:53.056
    inf: {SetupCopyOEMInf: C:WindowsINFcdrom.inf} 08:19:53.057
    inf: {SetupCopyOEMInf exit (0x00000050)} 08:19:53.059
    inf: Opened PNF: 'C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositorycdrom.inf_x86_neutral_db87d184bc84f910cdrom.inf' ([strings.0409])
    dvi: Selected driver installs from section [cdrom_install] in 'c:windowssystem32driverstorefilerepositorycdrom.inf_x86_neutral_db87d184bc84f910cdrom.inf'.
    dvi: Set selected driver complete.
    ndv: Driver selected, now performing install...
    ndv: {Core Device Install} 08:19:53.068
    inf: Opened INF: 'C:WindowsINFcdrom.inf' ([strings.0409])
    inf: Saved PNF: 'C:WindowsINFcdrom.PNF' (Language = 0409)
    inf: Opened PNF: 'C:WindowsINFcdrom.inf' ([strings.0409])
    dvi: {DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL} 08:19:53.112
    dvi: Using exported function 'DvdClassInstaller' in module 'C:Windowssystem32storprop.dll'.
    dvi: Class installer == storprop.dll,DvdClassInstaller
    dvi: Using exported function 'StorageCoInstaller' in module 'C:Windowssystem32SysClass.Dll'.
    dvi: CoInstaller 1 == SysClass.Dll,StorageCoInstaller
    dvi: Using exported function 'CriticalDeviceCoInstaller' in module 'C:Windowssystem32SysClass.Dll'.
    dvi: CoInstaller 2 == SysClass.Dll,CriticalDeviceCoInstaller
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Enter 08:19:53.123
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Exit
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Enter 08:19:53.126
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Exit
    dvi: Class installer: Enter 08:19:53.129
    dvi: Class installer: Exit
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 08:19:53.132
    dvi: Default installer: Exit
    dvi: {DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL - exit(0xe000020e)} 08:19:53.135
    ndv: Installing files...
    dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES} 08:19:53.139
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Enter 08:19:53.140
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Exit
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Enter 08:19:53.143
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Exit
    dvi: Class installer: Enter 08:19:53.146
    dvi: Class installer: Exit
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 08:19:53.149
    dvi: {Install FILES}
    inf: Opened PNF: 'c:windowssystem32driverstorefilerepositorycdrom.inf_x86_neutral_db87d184bc84f910cdrom.inf' ([strings.0409])
    inf: {Install Inf Section [cdrom_install]}
    inf: CopyFiles=cdrom_copyfiles (cdrom.inf line 92)
    flq: CopyFiles from an inbox inf.
    cpy: Open PnpLockdownPolicy: Err=2. This is OK. Use LockDownPolicyDefault
    flq: QueueSingleCopy...
    flq: Inf : 'c:windowssystem32driverstorefilerepositorycdrom.inf_x86_neutral_db87d184bc84f910cdrom.inf'
    flq: SourceInf: 'c:windowssystem32driverstorefilerepositorycdrom.inf_x86_neutral_db87d184bc84f910cdrom.inf'
    flq: SourceSection: [sourcedisksfiles]
    flq: Source root path based on SourceInf
    flq: SourceRootPath: 'C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositorycdrom.inf_x86_neutral_db87d184bc84f910'
    flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COPY}
    flq: CopyStyle - 0x09000000
    flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COPY}
    flq: CopyStyle - 0x09000000
    flq: SourceRootPath - 'C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositorycdrom.inf_x86_neutral_db87d184bc84f910'
    flq: SourceFilename - 'cdrom.sys'
    flq: TargetDirectory- 'C:Windowssystem32DRIVERS'
    flq: TargetFilename - 'cdrom.sys'
    flq: SourceDesc - 'windows cd'
    flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
    flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
    inf: {Install Inf Section [cdrom_install] exit (0x00000000)}
    dvi: Processing co-installer registration section [cdrom_install.CoInstallers].
    inf: {Install Inf Section [cdrom_install.CoInstallers]}
    inf: {Install Inf Section [cdrom_install.CoInstallers] exit (0x00000000)}
    dvi: Co-installers registered.
    dvi: {Install INTERFACES}
    dvi: Installing section [cdrom_install.Interfaces]
    dvi: {Install INTERFACES exit 00000000}
    dvi: {Install FILES exit (0x00000000)}
    dvi: Default installer: Exit
    dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES - exit(0x00000000)} 08:19:53.199
    ndv: Pruning file queue...
    dvi: {_SCAN_FILE_QUEUE}
    flq: ScanQ flags=620
    flq: ScanQ number of copy nodes=1
    flq: File 'C:Windowssystem32DRIVERScdrom.sys' pruned from copy.
    sig: Using catalog 'C:Windowssystem32CatRoot{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}'.
    cpy: DrpSetRegFileProt 'C:Windowssystem32DRIVERScdrom.sys' Status=0 Class=Inbox Windows protected
    flq: ScanQ action=200 DoPruning=32
    flq: ScanQ end Validity flags=620 CopyNodes=0
    dvi: {_SCAN_FILE_QUEUE exit(0, 0x00000000)}
    ndv: Committing file queue...
    flq: {_commit_file_queue}
    flq: CommitQ DelNodes=0 RenNodes=0 CopyNodes=0
    flq: CommitQ early exit: No nodes are queued
    flq: {_commit_file_queue exit OK}
    ndv: Registering CoInstallers...
    dvi: {DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS} 08:19:53.285
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Enter 08:19:53.288
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Exit
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Enter 08:19:53.290
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Exit
    dvi: Class installer: Enter 08:19:53.293
    dvi: Class installer: Exit
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 08:19:53.296
    inf: Opened PNF: 'c:windowssystem32driverstorefilerepositorycdrom.inf_x86_neutral_db87d184bc84f910cdrom.inf' ([strings.0409])
    inf: {Install Inf Section [cdrom_install.CoInstallers]}
    inf: {Install Inf Section [cdrom_install.CoInstallers] exit (0x00000000)}
    dvi: {DIF_DESTROYPRIVATEDATA} 08:19:53.304
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Enter 08:19:53.305
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Exit
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Enter 08:19:53.308
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Exit
    dvi: Class installer: Enter 08:19:53.311
    dvi: Class installer: Exit
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 08:19:53.313
    dvi: Default installer: Exit
    dvi: {DIF_DESTROYPRIVATEDATA - exit(0xe000020e)} 08:19:53.316
    dvi: Co-installers registered.
    dvi: Default installer: Exit
    dvi: {DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS - exit(0x00000000)} 08:19:53.320
    ndv: Installing interfaces...
    dvi: {DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES} 08:19:53.323
    dvi: Using exported function 'StorageCoInstaller' in module 'C:Windowssystem32SysClass.Dll'.
    dvi: CoInstaller 1 == SysClass.Dll,StorageCoInstaller
    dvi: Using exported function 'CriticalDeviceCoInstaller' in module 'C:Windowssystem32SysClass.Dll'.
    dvi: CoInstaller 2 == SysClass.Dll,CriticalDeviceCoInstaller
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Enter 08:19:53.331
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Exit
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Enter 08:19:53.334
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Exit
    dvi: Class installer: Enter 08:19:53.337
    dvi: Class installer: Exit
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 08:19:53.340
    dvi: {Install INTERFACES}
    inf: Opened PNF: 'c:windowssystem32driverstorefilerepositorycdrom.inf_x86_neutral_db87d184bc84f910cdrom.inf' ([strings.0409])
    dvi: Installing section [cdrom_install.Interfaces]
    dvi: {Install INTERFACES exit 00000000}
    dvi: Default installer: Exit
    dvi: {DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES - exit(0x00000000)} 08:19:53.349
    ndv: Installing device...
    dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICE} 08:19:53.352
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Enter 08:19:53.353
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Exit
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Enter 08:19:53.358
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Exit
    dvi: Class installer: Enter 08:19:53.361
    dvi: Class installer: Exit
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 08:19:53.364
    dvi: {Install DEVICE}
    inf: Opened PNF: 'c:windowssystem32driverstorefilerepositorycdrom.inf_x86_neutral_db87d184bc84f910cdrom.inf' ([strings.0409])
    dvi: Processing Registry/Property directives...
    inf: {Install Inf Section [cdrom_install]}
    inf: {Install Inf Section [cdrom_install] exit (0x00000000)}
    inf: {Install Inf Section [cdrom_install.Hw]}
    inf: AddReg=nosync_addreg (cdrom.inf line 95)
    inf: {Install Inf Section [cdrom_install.Hw] exit (0x00000000)}
    dvi: {Writing Device Properties}
    dvi: Provider name=Microsoft
    dvi: DriverDate 06/21/2006
    dvi: DriverVersion=6.1.7600.16385
    dvi: Class name=CDROM
    dvi: Manufacturer=(Standard CD-ROM drives)
    dvi: Matching DeviceID=gencdrom
    dvi: Strong Name=cdrom.inf:cdrom_device.NTx86:cdrom_install:6.1.7600.16385:gencdrom
    dvi: {Writing Device Properties - Complete}
    inf: {Install Inf Section [cdrom_install.Services]}
    inf: AddService=cdrom,0x00000002,cdrom_ServiceInstallSection,cdrom_EventLog_InstallSection (cdrom.inf line 98)
    inf: ServiceType=1 (cdrom.inf line 106)
    inf: StartType=1 (cdrom.inf line 107)
    inf: ErrorControl=1 (cdrom.inf line 108)
    inf: ServiceBinary=C:Windowssystem32DRIVERScdrom.sys (cdrom.inf line 109)
    inf: DisplayName="CD-ROM Driver" (cdrom.inf line 105)
    inf: LoadOrderGroup="SCSI CDROM Class" (cdrom.inf line 110)
    dvi: Add Service: Modified existing service 'cdrom'.
    inf: AddReg=autorun_addreg (cdrom.inf line 111)
    inf: AddReg=cdrom_EventLog_AddReg (cdrom.inf line 114)
    inf: {Install Inf Section [cdrom_install.Services] exit(0x00000000)}
    dvi: Updated reflected section names for: cdrom.inf
    dvi: {Install DEVICE exit (0x00000000)}
    dvi: Writing common driver property settings.
    dvi: DriverDescription=CD-ROM Drive
    dvi: DeviceDisplayName=CD-ROM Drive
    dvi: Install Device: Restarting device. 08:19:53.947
    ump: Server install process exited with code 0x000005b4 08:24:53.354
    <<< Section end 2010/04/24 08:24:53.356
    <<< [Exit status: FAILURE(0x000005b4)]
    in reply to: VisualGDB: cannot build Android native library #2298

    I tried to run debug session on Samsung GT-I9000 Android 2.1-update1 — failed.
    I tried to run debug session on HTC Hero Android 2.1-update1 — failed.
    I tried to run debug session on HTC Wildfire A3333 Android 2.2.1 — BINGO.

    Can I debug render thread in my application?

    in reply to: VisualGDB: cannot build Android native library #2297

    I solved the problem with loading add-on. It was hanging msiexec.exe.
    But I still can’t debug example application and compile my project :(.

    in reply to: VisualGDB: cannot build Android native library #2299

    Hello, I have new information. Today I can’t load addin (no new updates or programs).

    in reply to: VisualGDB: cannot build Android native library #2293


    Build started: Project: Client, Configuration: Debug Win32

    1>Performing Makefile project actions
    1>D:Androidandroid-ndk-r8bndk-build.cmd NDK_DEBUG=1 APP_PLATFORM=android-8
    1>D:/Android/android-ndk-r8b/build/core/ *** target pattern contains no `%’. Stop.
    1>Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from “Performing Makefile project actions”
    1>Build log was saved at “file://z:PROJECTSmy-projectprojectsclientprojectandroidDebugBuildLog.htm”
    1>Client – 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
    ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

    I also have problem with debugging. I try to debug your example project, activity started ok, but VisualGDB failed to start debug session. This is what I get:

    /data/data/com.visualgdb.example.TestJni/lib/gdbserver was not found and could not be installed manually. Please try deploying it yourself.

    ADB log:
    D:Androidandroid-sdkplatform-toolsadb.exe devices
    List of devices attached
    900048c07f3d device
    Command exited with code 0
    D:Androidandroid-sdkplatform-toolsadb.exe -s 900048c07f3d shell ps
    root 1 0 372 240 c03f45b4 00014dfc S /init
    root 2 0 0 0 c039ec60 00000000 S kthreadd
    root 3 2 0 0 c038f798 00000000 S ksoftirqd/0
    root 4 2 0 0 c03ba184 00000000 S watchdog/0
    root 5 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S events/0
    root 6 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S khelper
    root 12 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S suspend
    root 233 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S kblockd/0
    root 241 2 0 0 c0558308 00000000 S kseriod
    root 263 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S kmmcd
    root 269 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S bluetooth
    root 303 2 0 0 c03c701c 00000000 S pdflush
    root 304 2 0 0 c03caf48 00000000 S kswapd0
    root 306 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S aio/0
    root 905 2 0 0 c04cbf74 00000000 S kapmd
    root 1016 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S spi_gpio.3
    root 1031 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S fsa9480_workque
    root 1039 2 0 0 c054c22c 00000000 S usb_mass_storag
    root 1073 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S kondemand/0
    root 1079 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S gp2a_wq
    root 1116 2 0 0 c0698c24 00000000 S krfcommd
    root 1118 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S krxrpcd/0
    root 1130 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S melfas_touchkey
    root 1132 2 0 0 c0584644 00000000 S mmcqd
    root 1138 2 0 0 c0584644 00000000 S mmcqd
    root 1146 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S qt602240_wq
    root 1164 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S pmic_int_wq
    root 2150 2 0 0 bf1402c4 00000000 S multipdp
    root 2160 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S pvr_timer/0
    root 2176 2 0 0 bf19a6d0 00000000 D TouchSense Play
    root 2178 1 716 232 c04b9c04 afe0c76c S /system/bin/sh
    system 2181 1 780 240 c058fe50 afe0ca0c S /system/bin/servicemanager
    root 2182 1 832 368 c03f45b4 afe0cb34 S /system/bin/vold
    root 2183 1 644 220 c05bee00 afe0d3cc S /system/bin/debuggerd
    radio 2184 1 4604 512 ffffffff be971140 S /system/bin/efsd
    root 2188 1 18732 1600 ffffffff afe0cb34 S /system/bin/gpsd/glgps_samsungJupiter
    root 2189 1 10568 672 ffffffff afe0d3cc S /system/bin/drexe
    root 2190 2 0 0 c039b248 00000000 S pvr_workqueue
    root 2191 1 7436 440 c03ab90c afe0d9c4 S /system/bin/npsmobex
    root 2193 1 156772 21512 c03f45b4 afe0cb34 S zygote
    media 2194 1 63920 3732 ffffffff afe0ca0c S /system/bin/mediaserver
    bluetooth 2195 1 1084 292 c03f45b4 bea68ce8 S /system/bin/dbus-daemon
    root 2197 1 784 316 c064e3dc afe0c76c S /system/bin/installd
    compass 2198 1 6448 584 ffffffff afe0ca0c S /system/bin/sensorserver_yamaha
    keystore 2199 1 1616 252 c05bee00 afe0d3cc S /system/bin/keystore
    root 2203 1 17740 1236 ffffffff afe0ca0c S /system/bin/wlp2pservice
    root 2204 1 296 48 c05bee00 0000a334 S /system/bin/immvbsd
    root 2205 1 320 96 c03f45b4 be837504 S /system/bin/immvibed
    system 2210 1 17268 1236 ffffffff afe0ca0c S /system/bin/tvoutserver
    shell 2213 1 3376 160 ffffffff 0000f444 S /sbin/adbd
    radio 2247 1 12584 1348 ffffffff beb3fc58 S /system/bin/rild
    system 2252 2193 360300 57596 ffffffff afe0ca0c S system_server
    root 2302 2 0 0 c03a3578 00000000 S iscan_sysioc
    root 2303 2 0 0 c03a3578 00000000 S dhcp_sysioc
    root 2304 2 0 0 c03a3578 00000000 S dhd_watchdog
    root 2305 2 0 0 c03a3578 00000000 S dhd_dpc
    root 2306 2 0 0 c03a3578 00000000 S dhd_sysioc
    wifi 2309 1 2012 736 c03f45b4 afe0cb34 S /system/bin/wpa_supplicant
    app_4 2319 2193 212708 20228 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_9 2325 2193 240620 27904 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    radio 2328 2193 230688 21952 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_5 2333 2193 231852 25852 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_10 2339 2193 253368 22844 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_1 2377 2193 214004 17936 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_47 2395 2193 208964 18208 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_64 2410 2193 212968 17860 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_97 2428 2193 211660 18892 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S com.sec.spp.push
    app_103 2438 2193 209792 17940 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    system 2450 2193 225868 18484 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_5 2462 2193 224068 21300 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S android.process.acore
    app_53 2465 2193 210180 18300 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_104 2483 2193 213356 18076 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    system 2501 2193 212020 17128 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_5 2508 2193 211880 17680 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_4 2514 2193 210812 17344 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_8 2527 2193 211804 17004 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_16 2536 2193 212332 18752 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_20 2542 2193 217972 18140 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_27 2552 2193 210256 17724 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_5 2568 2193 226556 18040 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    system 2576 2193 218328 19316 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S com.wssyncmldm
    app_35 2582 2193 209780 17512 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_39 2595 2193 236904 19904 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    system 2603 2193 209768 17156 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_59 2613 2193 215176 18340 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_60 2623 2193 209924 17536 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_65 2629 2193 223168 19740 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_74 2643 2193 243980 19940 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    system 2662 2193 219836 17088 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_77 2669 2193 222136 17036 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_51 2678 2193 217940 21472 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_0 2685 2193 229504 18928 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_95 2701 2193 213468 18120 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S com.advancedprocessmanager
    app_100 2713 2193 242052 23612 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S com.lakoo.empireen
    app_100 2720 2193 240392 21496 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S com.lakoo.empireen:com.urbanairship.push.process
    app_45 2734 2193 216392 20508 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_48 2747 2193 210304 17464 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_5 2758 2193 211884 17552 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_38 2770 2193 212124 17776 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_0 2779 2193 231588 19992 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    app_0 2862 2193 246104 20876 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S
    root 3108 2 0 0 c03c701c 00000000 S pdflush
    app_24 3121 2193 209728 17184 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S com.svox.pico
    app_84 3137 2193 225932 20668 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S com.pip.androidnewui
    shell 4893 2213 716 328 c038d31c afe0d66c S /system/bin/sh
    shell 4894 4893 652 348 c0591008 afe0c76c S logcat
    app_105 4928 2193 214924 20316 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S com.visualgdb.example.TestJni
    app_33 4943 2193 227804 24136 ffffffff afe0d9c4 S com.layar
    dhcp 5219 1 828 408 c03f45b4 afe0d83c S /system/bin/dhcpcd
    shell 5340 2213 716 332 c038d31c afe0d66c S /system/bin/sh
    shell 5341 5340 856 340 00000000 afe0c76c R ps
    Command exited with code 0
    D:Androidandroid-sdkplatform-toolsadb.exe -s 900048c07f3d shell id
    uid=2000(shell) gid=2000(shell) groups=1003(graphics),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet)
    Command exited with code 0
    D:Androidandroid-sdkplatform-toolsadb.exe -s 900048c07f3d shell run-as com.visualgdb.example.TestJni kill -9 4928
    run-as: not found
    Command exited with code 0
    D:Androidandroid-sdkplatform-toolsadb.exe -s 900048c07f3d install -r “Z:PROJECTSTestJniTestJnibinTestJni-debug.apk”
    pkg: /data/local/tmp/TestJni-debug.apk
    103 KB/s (161755 bytes in 1.532s)
    Command exited with code 0
    D:Androidandroid-sdkplatform-toolsadb.exe -s 900048c07f3d shell run-as com.visualgdb.example.TestJni /system/bin/sh -c pwd
    run-as: not found
    Command exited with code 0
    D:Androidandroid-sdkplatform-toolsadb.exe -s 900048c07f3d shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi
    Command exited with code 0
    D:Androidandroid-sdkplatform-toolsadb.exe -s 900048c07f3d shell am start -n com.visualgdb.example.TestJni/.TestJni
    Starting: Intent { cmp=com.visualgdb.example.TestJni/.TestJni }
    Command exited with code 0
    D:Androidandroid-sdkplatform-toolsadb.exe -s 900048c07f3d shell ls /data/data/com.visualgdb.example.TestJni/lib/gdbserver
    /data/data/com.visualgdb.example.TestJni/lib/gdbserver: No such file or directory
    Command exited with code 0
    D:Androidandroid-sdkplatform-toolsadb.exe -s 900048c07f3d push Z:PROJECTSTestJniTestJnilibsarmeabigdbserver “/data/data/com.visualgdb.example.TestJni/lib/gdbserver”
    failed to copy ‘Z:PROJECTSTestJniTestJnilibsarmeabigdbserver’ to ‘/data/data/com.visualgdb.example.TestJni/lib/gdbserver’: Permission denied
    Command exited with code 1

    in reply to: Driver installation timed out #1421

    @bazis wrote:

    As described in another topic, check for additional CD/DVD filter drivers:

    Select “start->run” or press “Windows key + R key”, type “regedit”.
    Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Control -> Class
    Press “Ctrl+F”, type “cdrom”, press ENTER.
    Ensure that the “{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}” class was selected on the left.
    Carefully examine the values on the right. If anything like “UpperFilters”, “LowerFilters” or anything else containing the word “filter” appears there, please either post the values here, or make a screenshot of your regedit window.

    in reply to: VisualGD and Android-x86 on VirtualBox #2273

    Thank you for your Reply!

    I tried use android-x86-4.0-eth0-gen_x86-20120726.iso from tabletsx86 org as test device.
    Of course, this is a port Android 4.0 on x86 platform with arm support.
    As test device, it work great, but debugger can’t find it. As I understand, this happen because ps output
    format not the same as emulator ps and visualgdb parser can’t find req. information…

    So, walk under debugger on it – impossible…


    in reply to: how to co work with valgrind? #2059

    add target path in gdb and now works, great tools!

    in reply to: WinCDEmu crashes #2018

    It was crashing for me too on windows 7. I had to uninstall and then reinstall into a different directory and now it works! The original install left a context menu dll that wasn’t uninstalled though.

    in reply to: Mounting & Unmounting #1898

    I’m having the same problem with the first user. For multi-discs installation, if the first disc execute an “eject” command, the second disc is not recognized. I’m guessing everytime we mount an iso, a new device id is created. Since the device id is different each time, the installation cannot proceed. Can we either retain the virtual drive, or use the same id for each mount point, ie F:, G:, H:, etc. Thank you for listening.

    in reply to: WinCDEmu crashes #2017


    I had the same/similar problem on Win7 (simulated with qemu).

    Everytime I tryed to mount an iso image WinCDEmu crashed. I removed it and reinstalled it to post the Error here but now it works πŸ˜€

    Small, simple and it does exactly what should do and nothing else. Thanks for this great tool.


    in reply to: Driver installation timed out #1425

    @bazis wrote:

    This is a well-known bug in version 3.1. Please install WinCDEmu 3.3

Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 665 total)