Zynq-7000 support

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Zynq-7000 support

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  • #27932


    We are developing a project based on Zynq-7000 platform with FreeRTOS running on it. Currently, Xilinx SDK is used as the development environment.

    Is the Zynq development flow (importing the hardware platform, creating BSP based on the HW, etc) supported by VisualGDB? Or at least, can tcl scripts be run as part of the build?





    No problem. You can import an existing Zynq SDK into VisualGDB by following this tutorial. Once you create a basic project, you can export it into a project template for easier reuse.

    We can also convert your hardware-specific BSP generated by the Zynq tools into a VisualGDB-level BSP (similar to the STM32 BSP and others) as a part of our paid BSP service. Feel free to contact our sales if you would like to get a quote on that.

    You can run various scripts (and do all kinds of other custom actions) before/after build, and also at various stages of the debug process. See the Custom Build Steps and Custom Debug Steps pages of VisualGDB Project Properties for a detailed list of customization options.

    Let us know if you need any further details and we will be happy to help.

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