Your edition does not support Linux project

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Your edition does not support Linux project

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  • #6221

    Hello, I am enthusiast about the VisualGDB for VS2013; I am testing this tool to develop RaspberryPI applications.

    By the way I am experincing some issues. In detail: I am using win8.1, VS2013 community edition. I installed the VisualGDB 43R2 and I tested this software for few days. Then I decided to register myself into the VS2013 community; after this step the VisualGBD stopped working.

    At the first stage it prompted with a message like “your key is corrupted, do you want to repair it” but it failed. So I decided to completelly remove the VS2013 and VisualGDB and start from a fresh installation.

    The fresh installation went ok, but now as soon as I try to build a project using VisualGDB, I am receiving the error “Your edition of VisualGDB does not support Linux projects”. I tryed to create a new project from the scratch but at the first first step of the new project wizard I am experiencing the same error.

    I tried also the new release of the VisualGDB (5) and it is not working too (same error msg).

    I would like to ask your help to have this issue sorted out; I would like to make some test to better understand if this tool is ok for my application.

    Thank you in advance.




    Please forward your activation key to our support email so that we could see why it is not working.


    Thank you for the prompt reply. Where can i fine that Key? I ma usino the trial version


    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by bubusoft.


    This message could only appear if you have already entered an activation key. If you have not entered one, your registry may be corrupt. Please try installing VisualGDB on a different computer.

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