VisualGDB with MSP430F5529 board

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB VisualGDB with MSP430F5529 board

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  • #9059

    Hello, I tried to debug a board with MSP430F5529. The program can be builded ,downloaded and ran without setting breakpoints. When I set breakpoints in the program, the breakpoints can be hit. An error message was reported when I try to execute program in single step mode. The following the output in GDB session window:

    msp430-gdbproxy++ v1.8 []
    Successfully initialized MSP430.DLL on USB
    Listening on port 2000.
    Using 16-bit register mode (GDB 6.x-7.4)

    Incoming connection from GDB. Starting session…
    Found a device: MSP430F5529
    Number of hardware breakpoints: 8
    131072 bytes of FLASH memory (0x4400-0x243ff)
    10240 bytes of RAM (0x1c00-0x43ff)
    512 bytes of INFO memory (0x1800-0x19ff)
    Cannot resume device: Could not single step device

    I have set the step-mode on through gdb session window.

    Would anyone like to give me some advice?


    Please try downloading the latest version of msp430.dll from TI and replace the one in the msp430 toolchain directory with it.

    We also recommend updating the firmware on your USB programmer to the latest version as sometimes old firmware causes strange problems.

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