Thank you for the Information 🙂
I think, i can wait until the BSP gets released. Until now i work with MBed and imported the BSP-Part (not HAL and/or LL…) manually. Especially, when working with SD-Card on the stm32f746-Disco, i ran into many Problems, using DMA instead of Polling Mode. So i had to rework some Parts of the HAL Libs as well, as some MBed Files. My actual BSP-Files from FW 1.8.0 (stm32f7xx_discovery_xx.x) also contain some Bugfixes / Workarounds, which are more or less fixed in the new FW (1.9.0).
The most interesting Part in MBed would be the new “LittleFS” and it´s wear leveling abilities. But until the new ST Lib(FW 1.9.0) is not integrated in MBed too, i fear, the problems of 1.8.0 still remain.
To be honest: I´m just too lazy to do all that work manually just to reinvent the wheel shortly before a “professional” rework is available 😉