VisualGDB + how to import LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS in C++

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    I have STM32F469I-EVal board.

    I created VisualGDB project using standard procedure, for “LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS”.

    It was created as a C project. But I wanted it to be C++.

    May I know how to import it as a C++ project?

    or do i need to convert all those required .c files into .cpp? Do I need to add _cpluscplus at MSBuildSettings->PreprocessorMacros?

    Appreciate your help.






    The sample projects like “LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS” come from the ST examples, so if the original example is written in C, VisualGDB will not automatically change it to C++, as simply renaming files may introduce build errors.

    There are quite a few things to watch for when converting Plain C code to C++ (the most notorious one is extern “C”), however as this is a generic C/C++ development question and is not specific to VisualGDB, we cannot provide step-by-step instructions for converting each sample. That said, such a conversion is a very commonly performed task, so searching resources like StackOverflow for the errors you encounter will most likely give you detailed answers from other users that performed a similar conversion.

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