I have installed VisualGDB VisualGDB-4.3r4-trial on my Visual Studio 2013 Update 3. I also have a raspberry pi 2 which has ubuntu installed. I tried the tutorial on http://visualgdb.com/tutorials/raspberry/crosscompiler/ which all works fine. The problem begins when I tried it with http://visualgdb.com/tutorials/raspberry/wiringPi/
Firstly, when I try to synchronize sysroot, it fails at two parts (the others work though)
Downloading /lib…
tar: ufw/user6.rules: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: ufw/user.rules: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
Downloading /usr/lib…
tar: cups/backend/gutenprint52+usb: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: cups/backend/serial: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
So ignoring the errors, I proceeded with building the wiringPi code. If I run without debug, the console appears and says wiringPiSetup: Must be root. (Did you forget sudo?)
I tried the same code except I built it straight on the raspberry pi 2, and everything works. I am not too sure I’m logged in as root, since I only have 1 host name on the pi. When I tried to set up SSH connection with username root, it always fails at the password part (although I can enter with that password fine on ubuntu when using sudo su). I also tried checking the “Run debugger as root with sudo” in the Debug settings page, but it didn’t fix the problem.
This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by