VisualGDB doesn't link libraries

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB VisualGDB doesn't link libraries

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  • #6908

    I’m working on a project and tested the code in codeblocks on my raspberry pi 2b (gcc 4.6.3).

    then I created a cross compiler project, synced the proper directories, but when i try to compile, i receive the following error:

    “error VGDB1000: undefined reference to ‘UtilInit()'”

    and some errors regarding the failed build.

    The header files I’m trying to are from the tinycan example, which works on the raspberry itself as I already mentioned.

    Any idea why this fails, besies I added the directories including all the importing files?


    Thanks in advanced



    Please try locating the file that defines the UtilInit() function. If it is a C file, ensure that the declaration in the .h file (or the #include<> directive including the .h file) is wrapped with extern “C” {}.

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