Visual Studio — Manage VisualGDB Packages — Nordic NRF52x Devices

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  • #24792

    TL;DR: Cannot get rid of “Manage VisualGDB Packages”

    Every time I start up Visual Studio 2017, a window pops up titled “Manage VisualGDB Packages” with a line with a checkbox and the text “Nordic NRF52x Devices … Update to version 15.2 available!” along with 4 icons on that line. Also on this window, at the bottom left, is a checkbox “Check for updates automatically”. I’ve unchecked both the checkbox in the line and/or the checkbox at the bottom left, and cannot get this window to disappear from startup.

    To be clear, I do NOT want to update my NRF52x SDK to 15.2, since the code is working fine with the NRF5 15.0R2 version of the SDK.

    This is extremely annoying, because I’ll start up a different normal Visual Studio C# project on my PC… and, up comes this window. Every. Single. Time.

    Currently, my workaround is to just click the window’s ‘X’ button, but it’s getting mundane to have to do so, and I know for a fact I’ll ever update my local SDK for this one project I’m using it for.

    Ideas, anyone?



    Thanks for reporting this. We have rechecked it and it looks like a recent optimization of the updating logic on our side broke down the check whether the updates are disabled.

    Please try this build, it fully fixes the problem: VisualGDB-


    Using the build fixed the problem.

    Thank you so much making my blood pressure go down!

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