Visual GDB Esp32 Flash Button Doesn't Work

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Visual GDB Esp32 Flash Button Doesn't Work

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  • #32021

    Visual GDB Esp32 Flash Button Doesn’t Work

    IDF :4.3.2

    Toolchain: esp32-gcc8.4.0-r7

    Visual Studio 2022 Community Latest

    VisualGDB 5.6R2 (build 4521)


    Project clean and Rebuild but doesn’t change the results. please look at the gif file



    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by elaborate.

    Unfortunately, it is hard to suggest anything specific based on the description you provided.
    In order for us to provide any help with this, we need to be able to reproduce the problem on our side.
    Please provide complete and detailed steps to reproduce the issue as described below:

    1. The steps should begin with launching Visual Studio. They should include every step necessary to create the project from scratch and reproduce the issue.
    2. Please make sure the steps do not involve any 3rd-party code as we will not be able to review it. If the problem only happens with a specific project, please make sure you can reproduce it on a clean project created from scratch.
    3. The steps should include uncropped screenshots of all wizard pages, VisualGDB Project Properties pages and any other GUI involved in reproducing the problem. This is critical for us to be able to reproduce the problem on our side.

    You can read more about the best way to report VisualGDB issues in our problem reporting guidelines.

    Please note that many VisualGDB issues are caused by selecting an incompatible combination of settings at some point. We are generally not able to review specific projects and find the specific settings that were set incorrectly. We recommend checking the projects into source control and keeping a track of all changed settings to avoid breaking the projects.


    this old project file doesn’t work. i created new project and copy structure works well

    <h1>old structure:</h1>

    <?xml version=”1.0″?>
    <VisualGDBProjectSettings2 xmlns:xsd=”; xmlns:xsi=””&gt;
    <Project xsi:type=”com.visualgdb.project.external.esp-idf”>
    <Directories />
    <Build xsi:type=””>
    <BuildLogMode xsi:nil=”true” />
    <RelativeSourceDirectory />
    <BackgroundMode xsi:nil=”true” />
    <BackgroundMode xsi:nil=”true” />
    <TargetSpecificSettings />
    <VirtualFolders />
    <PreSyncActions />
    <PreBuildActions />
    <PostBuildActions />
    <PreCleanActions />
    <PostCleanActions />
    <PreDebugActions />
    <PostDebugActions />
    <DebugStopActions />
    <BackgroundMode xsi:nil=”true” />
    <Connection xsi:type=”com.sysprogs.terminal.connection.serial”>
    <Shortcuts />
    <UserDefinedVariables />
    <ImportedPropertySheets />
    <CheckForClangFormatFiles xsi:nil=”true” />
    <FormattingEngine xsi:nil=”true” />
    <BuildSettingsExtension xsi:type=”” />
    <BuildSettingsExtension xsi:type=”” />
    <ProgramArgumentsSuggestions />
    <Debug xsi:type=”com.visualgdb.debug.embedded”>
    <GDBPreStartupCommands />
    <GDBStartupCommands />
    <GDBFinalizationCommands />
    <Configuration xsi:type=”com.visualgdb.edp.espxx.settings.gdbstub.esp32″>
    <DynamicAnalysisSettings />
    <UnusedStackFillPattern xsi:nil=”true” />




    <?xml version=”1.0″?>
    <VisualGDBProjectSettings2 xmlns:xsd=”; xmlns:xsi=””&gt;
    <Project xsi:type=”com.visualgdb.project.external.esp-idf”>
    <Directories />
    <Build xsi:type=””>
    <BuildLogMode xsi:nil=”true” />
    <BackgroundMode xsi:nil=”true” />
    <BackgroundMode xsi:nil=”true” />
    <VirtualFolders />
    <PreSyncActions />
    <PreBuildActions />
    <PostBuildActions />
    <PreCleanActions />
    <PostCleanActions />
    <PreDebugActions />
    <PostDebugActions />
    <DebugStopActions />
    <Shortcuts />
    <UserDefinedVariables />
    <FormattingEngine xsi:nil=”true” />
    <BuildSettingsExtension xsi:type=”” />
    <BuildSettingsExtension xsi:type=”” />
    <Debug xsi:type=”com.visualgdb.debug.embedded”>
    <AdditionalStartupCommands />
    <Configuration xsi:type=”com.visualgdb.edp.espxx.settings.gdbstub.esp32″>
    <DynamicAnalysisSettings />
    <UnusedStackFillPattern xsi:nil=”true” />

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by elaborate.

    Good to know it works. Please try comparing the old project against the new project, and adjusting it, eliminating the differences one-by-one. Once you can pinpoint a specific difference the is causing the problem, feel free to let us know and we can point the VisualGDB setting that is affecting it.

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