My main question is about any way to connect VirtualKD 2.8 to VBox > 4.3.
(I’m looking for a noob friendly one 😉 )
I start installing the VirtualKD from here using VKD 2.8. exactly in step 2 it said
Unable to cast COM object of type ‘VirtualBox.VirtualBoxClass’ …
So I start Googleing and i found a great article here. I compiled the C# code and ran it in the VirtualKD-2.8 directory. the first problem is gone but the virtual box said:
Unable to load R3 “C:\VirtualKD-2.8\VBoxKD64.dll”: Not signed … (VERR_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED)
Again I start Googleing… as I know the problem is for VBox > 3.1, it force signed dll loading in windows. so I signed the DLL by a self generated sign ( and of curse I added it to my trust list ). now the virtualbox braks with
Unable to load R3 module “C:\VirtualKD-2.8\VBoxKD64.dll” None of 1 path(s) hav a trust anchor.: … (VERR_CR_X509_CPV_NO_TRUSTED_PATHS).
so I used a globally trusted sign to do the job but I got a FATAL error from VBox, also I found the Avast version of VirtualKD (??!!) it is FATAL too.
Finally I googled about the problem very much and the nearest result was VBOX_WITH_VIRTUALKD config flag and some change logs (4.3.16) about stub/loader.
what is stub/loadr(?) is it enable in precompiled VBox binaries or I should recompile the source.
This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by