I’m trying to use a Segger J-Link Mini EDU to load and debug a FreeRTOS-SMP project on Raspberry Pi pico.
On the properties page, I entered…
Debug using: Segger J-Link
Debug method: J-Link Software
Debugged device: RP2040_M0_0
Debug interface: SWD
Clock speed(Khz): 3000
When I click the [Test] button it says… Connect test succeeded.
I set a breakpoint a few lines past main(), then one just before starting the scheduler, so at this point, I’m only running on core 0.
When I try “step into new instance”, my PC says “USB device not recognized”. The last thing in VisualGDB Output is “Starting target CPU…”, but nothing is happening. The J-Link Web Control panel shows that the J-Link is connected and lists the breakpoints.
If I click on pause, I can see that the program is in a loop…
0x00000030 30 BF wfi
0x00000032 FD E7 b.n 0x30
I have no idea how it got here, but it happens every time – even after a complete reboot.
Are there any other settings that I need to check?