Unable to run "Analyze Performance with VisualGDB"

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Unable to run "Analyze Performance with VisualGDB"

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  • #30154


    I am trying to run the tool “Analyze Performance with VisualGDB” on my target, but VisualGDB immediately aborts with the
    following exceptions.
    I tried to run valgrind on the device with the following code:
    valgrind --tool=callgrind /tmp/CentralControllingApplication 

    it ran without issues and produced a log file.

    Visual GDB Version 5.5R4

    Exception details:

    VisualGDB version:
    ------------------ System.Exception ------------------
    System.Exception: Valgrind failed to initialize. Please check the output log for details.
    bei c9.h1(RemoteHostSettings f, String b, String e, String a, ModifiedEnvirionment d, d81 c)
    bei lv1.p1.k.g_2(r a)
    bei lv1.b()
    bei lv1.z_2(DebugCustomizationSettings a, Boolean b)
    bei nd1.t2()
    bei df1.i1_2()
    bei VisualGDB.GDBDebugEngine.s(gi a, n1 b)
    trace=[c9.h1:280, lv1+p1+k.g_2:217, lv1.b:71, lv1.z_2:224, nd1.t2:9985, df1.i1_2:22, VisualGDB.GDBDebugEngine.s:58]

    Valgrind Diagnostics:

    sh: xauth: not found
    ==1551== Callgrind, a call-graph generating cache profiler
    ==1551== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Josef Weidendorfer et al.
    ==1551== Using Valgrind-3.15.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
    ==1551== Command: /tmp/CentralControllingApplication
    ==1551== Parent PID: 1465
    ==1551== For interactive control, run 'callgrind_control --vgdb-prefix=/tmp/d11cecf7-32e9-4f2b-a21a-85935a794240 -h'.

    VisualGDB diagnostics

    Launching Valgrind...
    SSH [205]: executing command: valgrind --log-file="/tmp/26c17f45-e5f7-41fa-890b-15cdd7464eaa/valgrind.log" --vgdb-prefix="/tmp/26c17f45-e5f7-41fa-890b-15cdd7464eaa" --tool=callgrind --callgrind-out-file="/tmp/26c17f45-e5f7-41fa-890b-15cdd7464eaa/callgrind.out" --vgdb=yes --vgdb-error=0 /tmp/CentralControllingApplication
    SSH [206]: executing command: cat "/tmp/26c17f45-e5f7-41fa-890b-15cdd7464eaa/valgrind.log"
    Starting profiling report converter: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sysprogs\VisualGDB\valgrind2sprof64.exe - "C:\Users\..12_03_2021_10_15_57.sprofreport" "12.03.2021 10:15:57"
    Valgrind reader process (attempt #0) exited with code 0, valgrind process is still running, report conversion started
    Finished sending data to profiler report converter
    Producing report (elapsed 0)
    Elapsed: 0
    Profiler report converter exited with code 0
    SSH [207]: executing command: "rm" -rf "/tmp/26c17f45-e5f7-41fa-890b-15cdd7464eaa"
    SSH [207]: command exited with code 0 after 56 msec
    SSH [205]: command exited with code 0 after 702 msec
    SSH [206]: command exited with code 0 after 689 msec



    The “Valgrind failed to initialize” error is shown when the diagnostics process (with the ‘cat’ command) would exit prematurely. Please try running the commands manually to reproduce the problem:

    rm -rf /tmp/26c17f45-e5f7-41fa-890b-15cdd7464eaa
    mkdir /tmp/26c17f45-e5f7-41fa-890b-15cdd7464eaa
    mkdifo /tmp/26c17f45-e5f7-41fa-890b-15cdd7464eaa/valgrind.log
    valgrind --log-file="/tmp/26c17f45-e5f7-41fa-890b-15cdd7464eaa/valgrind.log" --vgdb-prefix="/tmp/26c17f45-e5f7-41fa-890b-15cdd7464eaa" --tool=callgrind --callgrind-out-file="/tmp/26c17f45-e5f7-41fa-890b-15cdd7464eaa/callgrind.out" --vgdb=yes --vgdb-error=0 /tmp/CentralControllingApplication
    cat "/tmp/26c17f45-e5f7-41fa-890b-15cdd7464eaa/valgrind.log"
    vgdb --vgdb-prefix="/tmp/26c17f45-e5f7-41fa-890b-15cdd7464eaa" --port=2000

    Then, check for any suspicious messages or strange behavior. Note that the last 3 commands will need to run in parallel from 3 different terminal windows.

    If none of the commands exits, please try checking if running gdb (gdb <executable>) and connecting it to Valgrind (target remote :2000 followed by continue) works.

    Please let us know your findings and we will help you configure VisualGDB to work with your setup as well.

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