SYSPROGS_TEST_REPORTING_PIPE not set. Cannot report test status!

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB SYSPROGS_TEST_REPORTING_PIPE not set. Cannot report test status!

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  • #12656

    I read the dialog with Breweryman, but my situation is slightly different and does not involve the Jenkins Server situation.


    If I simply create a unit test project, File->New->Project->Linux Project Wizard, name the project “LinuxProject5”, create a new solution in a new directory, select MSBuild (I presume GNU Make and CMake should work fine, but I want to test the environment covered by the on-line tutorial), select “Unit test project” RB with “Language standard is C++”,  ->Next, use SysGCC toolchain, specify deployment computer/folder (using root login permissions), and check the “Automatically test connection to the remote system before creating the project” (passes), and Run->Test->All Tests non of the tests are found (“Discover test finished: 0 found” on all tests. When I run in debug mode I get the following:

    “Listening on port 2000
    Remote debugging from host
    SYSPROGS_TEST_REPORTING_PIPE not set. Cannot report test status!
    Hello from Test #2.
    LinuxProject5Tests.cpp:22 Hello from Test #1.
    LinuxProject5Tests.cpp:16: error: Failure in TEST(DemoTestGroup, FailingTest)
    expected <1 0x1>
    but was  <2 0x2>

    Errors (1 failures, 3 tests, 3 ran, 3 checks, 0 ignored, 0 filtered out, 1 ms)

    Child exited with status 0
    GDBserver exiting”

    It appears either there is a port issue (2000) or another error. I’m not sure where to proceed. Can you help please?




    I should have also mentioned that a “regular” C++ “hello world” project works fine.



    Please use Test->Run all tests or Test->Debug All Tests (or right-click on individual unit tests in Test Explorer) to run tests. Simply running a test project with F5 will not engage the extra logic for selecting tests and reporting/interpreting test results.

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