Switch between toolchains

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Switch between toolchains

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  • #6843

    I have installed the SysProgs 4.9.2 and the SysProgs 5.2.0 GCC-ARM toolchains. Both toolchains show up in the “Embedded Tool Manager”.
    But i am still not able to select the toolchain from “Visual GDB Properties”->”Makefile Settings”->”Build tools”->”Toolchain”, since the dropdown list is greyed out.


    I’m using VisualGDB 5.0r3 and Visual Studio 2013 and 2015


    We do not allow switching toolchains for existing projects because different toolchains have different settings formats and switching them may introduce serious bugs. We would recommend creating a new project and then importing the existing files into it. If you absolutely want to override the toolchain, you can edit the <mcu>.xml and <mcu>.mak files in your project directory replacing the references manually.

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