I’m hoping that I’ve missed something simple and will feel like a fool when an answer appears…
Up until recently I’ve been stuck on Atmel chips using Atmel’s AVR Studio which just did things without my needing to know much about them, but now I’m at a stage where I think I need to know.
I have finally got a version of code that is stable and ready to sit on the chip until I decide to change something again, but I have reached a roadblock in that I don’t know how to load the code on to the chip in such a way that it will stay there and boot into this program. The only way I can get it to run is with a debugger attached.
Is there a flag I’ve missed somewhere that will make this code ‘start’ when the board is powered up.
For background I’m using an STM32F407VG with very little else attached.
Thanks in advance.