I updated my version of STM32CubeMX and its F1 firmware package today.
The CubeMX-generated MX_TIM1_Init function is setting a new field in TIM_HandleTypeDef, named AutoReloadPreload. That field doesn’t exist in the F1 firmware used by VisualGDB, so the build in Visual Studio build fails.
I fixed the error by modifying the CubeMX-generated code, but I’m wondering what’s the proper way to fix a version mismatch between CubeMX and VisualGDB? Should I manually update the firmware libraries being used by VisualGD (i.e. the folders under AppData\Local\VisualGDB\EmbeddedBSPs\arm-eabi\com.sysprogs.arm.stm32\STM32F1xxxx)?
The CubeMX version is 4.22, the CubeMX F1 firmware version is 1.3.0, the VisualGDB STM32 package version is 4.3 (the latest).