VisualGDB itself doesn’t provide any special tools for calculating checksums, however it should be relatively straight-forward to code a simple tool that would do that. You can use VisualGDB Project Properties -> Custom Build Steps page to invoke the custom tool that will patch the .bin file generated by VisualGDB.
Then you can convert the .bin file back to ELF as shown below:
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -I binary -O elf32-little --change-section-address .data=0x08000000 <file>.bin <file>-patched.elf
Note that the new ELF file will not contain any debugging symbols, so it should not replace the original ELF file. Instead, please add the following command to Additional GDB Startup Commands (before connecting to target);
exec-file <file>-patched.elf
This will make sure that VisualGDB uses the contents of <file>-patched.elf to program the FLASH memory, but still uses the regular ELF file to load the symbols.