STM32 binary file for programming

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB STM32 binary file for programming

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    I have an Embedded VisualGDB project for a STM32F746 Disco board. It uses the following embedded frameworks: STM32 USB Device Lib, STM32 Cube HAL, Fixed size stack & heap, Fast Semihosting & embedded profiler.
    It is debugging well. I want to program the board to operate on power up. I have tried using the .bin file that is generated (under VisualGDB/Debug) but it does not seem to run properly on the device. So operation whilst debugging is fine.

    How do I generate a file that can be used to program a device?

    Thanks for your help!




    The .bin file generated by VisualGDB should be the correct one. Furthermore, once you start a debugging session, the firmware is actually programmed into the FLASH memory in order to be debugged.

    Most likely your code is using semihosting-related functionality (e.g. calling printf()) that are intercepted under debugger and cause the program to wait for a debugger to attach otherwise. The easiest way to figure out what is going on is to use the Debug->Attach to Running Embedded Firmware command (requires VisualGDB 5.3+).



    Thanks for your help. It was exactly what you said – the semihosting stuff was expecting a debugger and so the code was waiting for it to attach.


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