Stack pointer check with Keil toolchain

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Stack pointer check with Keil toolchain

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  • #10653

    I’m configuring a project to use VS/VisualGDB and the Keil toolchain.  I am working through various issues and have been mostly successful.  The project will build, load and debug.  I am able to hit breakpoints and read memory and registers.  One of the few remaining issues is this error when I load a debug session:

    Cannot resolve the address of _estack. Skipping stack pointer validity check.

    The keil toolchain uses the symbol __initial_sp for the stack pointer.  I would assume _estack to be the GCC equivalent?  Is there an XML file that I can tweak to get the check working and squelch the warning?  Or an ELF file edit for the Makefile?  If not, would you consider adding support for this?


    I may have answered my own question.  I modified the ELF config command as follows:

    ifeq ($(TARGETTYPE),APP)



    $(LD) -o $(@:.elf=.axf) $(LDFLAGS) $(START_GROUP) $(all_objs) $(LIBRARY_LDFLAGS) $(END_GROUP)

    $(FROMELF) –bin –output $(@:.elf=.bin) $(@:.elf=.axf)

    $(OBJCOPY) –redefine-sym __initial_sp=_estack \

    –remove-section $(ROM_SECTION_NAME) \

    –add-section $(ROM_SECTION_NAME)=$(@:.elf=.bin) \

    –set-section-flags \


    –change-section-address $(ROM_SECTION_NAME)=0x00029000 \

    $(@:.elf=.axf) $@


    The –redefine-sym __initial_sp=_estack argument renames the stack pointer symbol.  This appears to satisfy the debugger, as it no longer complains.  Are there any negative ramifications to this approach?



    The solution you have found should work. You can also override the _estack symbol name by editing the .vgdbsettings file (search for the ‘EndOfStackSymbol’ element).

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