Questions about ESP32

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Questions about ESP32

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  • #30536

    Does anyone here know about the SPI.useInterrupts() function in Arduino?

    I have compiled and Arduino Project for ESP32 in Visual Studio using the Visual GDB.

    I note the function SPI.useInterrupts() is not available and think it might be related to the hardware target.

    Is this function to prevent issue when SPI tries to do a transaction when an interrupt is in process (like a Mutex function)? and, if so, is it not required for ESP32 target because the

    ESP32 SPI is thread safe or something? (ie. I can simply comment out the line of code for this function and code should still run ok)


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by support.


    Just wanted to point out that this is outside the scope of the VisualGDB support. You are welcome to ask for advice from other users, however we won’t be able offer any help with this issue.

    Please feel free to contact Espressif, or post on the ESP32 forums for all questions about the internals of ESP-IDF or the ESP32 Arduino core.

    We will move further out-of-scope inquiries on the topic into this thread to avoid duplication.



    I followed the tutorial for creating an Arduino Project in Visual Studio using GDB and it compiles and runs fine.

    However, I want to use Serial.print() in some of the C++ modules to debug code in some classes and cannot figure out what I need to add to use the function in the cpp file?

    Also, I had trouble using ESP-IDF code in the main sketch. I did #include “driver/gpio.h” and tried to #define my PI but the compiler would not allow this and wanted to see the const int arduino style declaration.

    Should I be able to run the native ESP-IDF commands in the Arduino project or do I need to do something to advise the compiler how to handle it?




    I had to use GCC version 5.2.0 and earlier version 3.3 of ESP-IF to compile an ADF project.

    The compiler does not like “spiffs_create_partition_image(storage ../audio FLASH_IN_PROJECT)” command.

    Was this not supported in the earlier ESP-IDF? How do you flash the partitions into ESP32 for version 3.3 ?










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