smarTTY can't login as root on RPi3

Sysprogs forums Forums Other tools & products smarTTY can't login as root on RPi3

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  • #8931

    I can get smarTTY to log in as root to be able to complete the upload as per this instruction. I set the root password with SUDO PASSWD ROOT but when I try to use this to login, it keeps asking for the password.

    If I SUDO SU after the standard login and to the upload, nothing appears in the root. How can I get this to work?

    Then start SmarTTY, connect to your Raspberry Pi as root (you can set the root password by connecting as ‘pi’ and running ‘sudo passwd’) and upload the install folder to the root directory:
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by support. Reason: moved to other tools forum
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