Save Hardware Register values to file

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Save Hardware Register values to file

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  • #35155

    VisualGDB allows me to see Hardware Register values (see attached screenshot) but is there a way to save Hardware Register values to a file in order to compare chip-initializations?

    I am currently debugging a BLDC motor control application using a Segger J-Link plus. The application connects to STM Motor Workbench Profiler via UART on STEVAL-SPIN3201, but not on the custom board developed in-house although it has the same UART pin configuration.
    Because of this I would like to compare the hardware register values after program initialization to get insight into differences. Here it would be valuable to be able to compare HW Register setup on the two boards.

    The STM32cubeIDE 1.13.2 has a feature to export all register values to a file (see attached screenshot). I have attached a screenshot of a comparison of HW Register setup expored from STM32CubeIDE.
    The aim is to be able to do something similar using VisualGDB.


    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Lonka.
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    No problem, please try this build: VisualGDB-

    We have added a context menu command for saving the selected register values (including all subregisters):

    The CSV file created with this commands contains 3 columns: the register name, raw hex value (regardless of the actual register size) and the formatted value according to the current settings.

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    Thank you for the response. VisualGDB 6.0 allows me to export to HW Registers to CSV just as you described – I am pleased.

    Have a good day

    Best Regards Nikolaj T.L.

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