I’m having a bit of trouble running a demo on a Linux (Debian) based machine. It works perfectly on Rasbian and I discovered the reason was that my key read system loads the kbd event file to process key reads.. On Rasbian, these are open and accessible, but on Linux they are restricted to root/admin. I can set chmod to alter the permission level of /dev/input/* but that means going into a terminal ever time I reset the system (often) and I would rather execute my project with sudo from visual studio,
is it possible to do that in VisualGDB? I have been hunting in the build options for a way to run my build with a sudo ./ myapp but can’t see anything?
If your program uses X11, the ‘sudo’ command won’t automatically forward the X11 connections. The easiest way around it would be to create a new ‘root’ connection to your Linux machine (instead of the current user name). You may need to enable root logins explicitly in your sshd configuration (check your Linux distro manual for specific steps to do that).
Ah, sadly my understanding of linux means I have no clue how to do that, but I appreciate its not a Visual GDB issue, I’ll try to locate a linux guru to assist me, thanks for the advice.
Yes, this is a known limitation of Linux systems, although it’s very well-known and relatively well-documented, so as long as you can find someone with basic Linux knowledge, they should be able to figure it out quickly.