run ESP32 IDF unit tests on CLI (CI/CD pipeline)

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB run ESP32 IDF unit tests on CLI (CI/CD pipeline)

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    i’m asking if it is possible to run the ESP32 IDF units test on command line. They base on the unity framework which should be no problem to run them separately.

    Target is to run the unit tests on a pipeline (with gitlab).

    Also in regard to use different subprojects/submodules / components, it would be fine to test each group separate and have no need to double run the tests.


    Sorry for the late reply. We have discovered a breaking change in ESP-IDF 4.4 that affected unit tests, and had to resolve it. We have updated VisualGDB to support running ESP-IDF unit tests automatically. You can now use the following command line to do so:

    VisualGDB.exe /runtests <file.vgdbproj> /targetpath:<full path to the .elf file> /output:<XML file with results>

    It should work for all submodules/components that get linked into the same ELF file. You would need to use the following build: VisualGDB-

    That said, your support period had recently expired. Although this build will work with your key, we advise renewing your key here to get access to further VisualGDB updates and technical support.

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