regarding debugging virtualbox

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualDDK/VirtualKD discussion regarding debugging virtualbox

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    I have installed virtualkd with vitrualbox machine to debug on same machine. However, when I run vmmon.exe on host machine and boot virtualbox machine in debugging mode, I dont find any packets being logged anywhere. The virtual monitor window on host machine doesnot highlight the option for kd.exe. It shows the virtualbox running with named pipe but the packets are being shown as 0/0. I dont understand how to debug and why the packets are not being exchanged or logged. Also, I want to use the vmmon to log all APIs for a particular process. Kindly let me know how to do that.


    Obviously, you need a WinDbg ( to do that. I recommend reading some tutorials about ‘kernel debugging for beginners’ before starting. Note that VirtualKD is not itself a kernel debugger. Instead, it is a tool, that speeds up interaction between a virtual machine and WinDbg.

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