Really would like pre-build step implementation

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Really would like pre-build step implementation

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    For years, our company has been using VisualGDB, but it has one flaw which makes many things difficult for us. It does not have a way of adding a pre-build step. Most environments provide a way of doing this. We see that with the Custom or Ultimate editions, Custom Build steps are provided, however reading about them, they are a lot more powerful than we really need.

    It does appear in the Visual Studio settings, there are already custom steps for post-compile (after generation of every object file, so this is not what we want) and post-link (after everything has already been compiled, so at this point it’s too late). We need a feature like these, but they occur pre-build.

    What we really need is some way of running a single command line to run software which pretty much embeds the current SVN revision number and saves it into an *.h file. That way, the software knows what the current SVN revision number is for every new version we produce (for traceability purposes).

    Has anybody figured out a work-around for this? I’m using 5.5R5 build 4124. We are compiling using MSBuild for STM32F405RG.



    You can always achieve this by creating custom MSBuild targets via editing the .vcxproj file. It is much less straight-forward than the custom steps provided by the VisualGDB Custom Edition, but will work just fine once you get familiar with the MSBuild internals.


    I spent some time figuring this out. I found that what worked for me was adding the following anywhere in the *.vcxproj file under the main Project XML section:

    <Target Name="BeforeBuild" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
      <Exec Command="<<Exe call with command line>>" />

    What’s important with the Exec command is that all XML unsafe characters are escaped (< becomes “&gt;”, ” becomes “&quot;”, & becomes “&amp;”, etc.)

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