Raspberry Pi Pico support planned?

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    I know it’s very early but I was wondering if support for the new Pi Pico is planned?



    Yes, we are working on it. Please expect an update in the next 2-3 weeks.


    Awesome, thanks.


    I assume you are planning support for the Pico as native build, is this the case?

    Will you be able to support remote build/debug on the raspberry pi?
    I’ve had a go and making and importing using the cmake build setup RPi foundation provide for the pico, with no success.
    I’m guessing its because they use a new minimum version of cmake and thus cmake features that perhaps you don’t support?

    Many thanks



    There is no advantage on building the code for Raspberry Pi Pico on a regular Raspberry Pi and it is not practical to build the code on the Pico itself. Hence VisualGDB will build the code directly on Windows using a cross-toolchain. You will be able to use a regular Raspberry Pi as a debug probe if you prefer this option.


    Me too. I’d love to be able to use VisualGDB to develop for the RPi Pico. I’ve subscribed to this topic to keep myself informed.

    It’s more the PIO feature that interests me, since otherwise I think the Teensy 4.x has a better spec – and I can already code for (but not debug) that using VisualGDB.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by DonMilne.


    You can try this build: VisualGDB- It has partial for the Pico SDK (allowing to clone and build projects), but debugging still needs to be configured manually (you can use this OpenOCD executable with the official Raspberry Pi scripts) and the GUI for editing the PicoSDK configuration variables won’t apply them yet. The official release with the missing functionality added is expected next week.



    Wow. I didn’t expect such a fast response on a Sunday! (*) Thanks for the info.

    (*) Especially when I see I’d accidentally let my support period elapse. Fixed now.


    No worries. We ask users to confirm/renew support for issues that require investigation on our side. Raspberry Pi Pico is getting a lot of attention recently, and we are working on supporting it anyway, so we are happy to share the latest preview build with anyone interested in trying it out.


    This is a win for VisualGDB, as from what I’ve read, it’s currently a pain to setup the Pico for proper C/C++ development. I’m also looking to evaluate the Pico at some point and as expected, variants have already started to popup(i.e. “Tiny 2040”). Curious of the debug options that will be available (Seggear J-link?, Picoprobe?). Thanks.


    I’m embarrassed to admit that I didn’t have much success with the beta. I went to File|New|Solution but couldn’t see a RPI Pico template, nor board, nor RP2040 processor. I must be missing a step.


    @donmilne, sorry about that. The previous build contained a bug that prevented the Raspberry Pi wizard from showing correctly outside the testing environment. Please try this one: [obsolete]. It also supports editing of the Pico SDK configuration, but automatic debugging is still not fully ready.

    @arrow201, we will support all debug probes that are supported by OpenOCD. We have specifically tested Segger J-Link, Olimex ARM-USB-OCD-H with the SWD adapter and the regular Raspberry Pi in the bitbang mode (this will require building the OpenOCD fork on Raspberry Pi itself, but VisualGDB will do it automatically).

    Update: Raspberry Pi Pico is now officially supported by VisualGDB 5.6 Beta 1. You can find a detailed tutorial here: https://visualgdb.com/tutorials/raspberry/pico/


    Tried it out and it works! Good job guys!


    On a special note since users might stumble upon this, I had to jump through some hoops to get my J-Link Mini EDU working with this through OpenOCD.

    This was regarding this error;

    Info : Hardware thread awareness created
    Info : Hardware thread awareness created
    Info : RP2040 Flash Bank Command
    Warn : Failed to open device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED.
    Error: No J-Link device found.

    1. Update your J-Link firmware with J-Link Configurator
    2. Download Zadig from https://zadig.akeo.ie/
    3. Go to Options -> List All Devices
    4. Select “J-Link” in the drop-down
    5. Replace the driver with “WinUSB” one

    All your regular J-Link apps like Commander and Configurator will stop working until you uninstall it from Device Manager but OpenOCD should now detect it and work with the Pico.



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by tm123.

    Hi….the Pico is a great stage in the microcontroller space how ever, in the event that you wanted something additional time touchy, the Pico isn’t the right stage even with C/C++ however assuming different centers is the thing that you really wanted, its ideal and the engineering is all around thoroughly examined.

    I do possess my reservations at this energy for the Pico, its new and still got a touch of time for to perceive how it will fill in the miniature regulator space, my anxiety is, some load up/equipment creators locking their equipment to their own custom form of Micropython as opposed to making the data/libs accessible to making it work.

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