randomly changing compile errors

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB randomly changing compile errors

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  • #32083

    For a windows mingw32 application using cmake and ninja.

    using GoogleTest as testing framework.

    I’m not sure where to begin on this issue. I’ll try to give as much relevant info as possible. These errors seemed to happen when I updated to the most recent visualgdb version. From before, everything was fine.  here are the unusual occurrences.

    • when I start vsgdb, it always prompts me to install missing package google test framework, even though it already is installed.
    • Most of the time it will give me compile errors that are the following (Capture.png)  . you can see that it gives a permission error to the built executable. I delete this exe and rebuild. Most of the time it will fix this compile error.
    • When it does compile and run, I get a runtime issue where the SysprogsTestHooks.cpp fails to retrieve environment variables from this line (Capture2.png)

    const char *pPipe = getenv(“SYSPROGS_TEST_REPORTING_PIPE”);

    I am very much at a loss as to what could be the issue and would really appreciate any help to resolve and understand what is going on.


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    The build error looks like something on your computer is interfering with low-level operations. It could be malware, buggy antivirus software, RAM malfunction, but it doesn’t look like something VisualGDB would directly control.

    Regarding unit tests, please try following this tutorial. It shows all the necessary steps to run unit tests within Windows applications.

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