<span id=”yui_3_17_2_3_1436701238956_827″ class=”ya-q-text”>program should read a suitable ADC channel of microcontroller at 1 second time intervals and convert the digital value into the corresponding voltage and display the value on the serial window.
Stage 1
Continuously read a single ADC channel and print the digital value to the serial debug output. Remember to initialise the serial debug channel.
Take a copy of the previous program (and rename the copy) and convert the ADC value a corresponding voltage and print this value on the serial debug window output.
Add a hardware delay (using one of the timers) into program to give a delay of approximately 1s. The delay routine should be a separate function which is called from main.
Stage 4
Add an alarm feature. If the voltage reaches a preset level the LED’s should flash.
Stage 5
Add features to improve the functionality of data logger. Some examples are
• user selectable sample times
• use of the Real time clock to timestamp your data
• storage of the data into non volatile memory
• Add your own innovative features…
C libraries available are:- functions to read the ADC channels, output to the DAC, Serial I/O etc.</span>
Can someone help me out here with this programme. It should be done using Keil Uvision and STM32F4 discovery board.