Project fails to load

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  • #31259

    C++ project with WSL2. I restarted my PC and now the project will not load. It’s marked as ‘GLViewerGDB.vgdbcmake (failed)’ in the solution explorer. Nothing changed between when it loaded and I rebooted.
    Reloading the project always results in a Linq ‘Sequence contains more than one matching element’ exception from VisualGDB.
    Cleaning and trying to rebuild doesn’t fix it.
    I have twice quit Visual Studio, uninstalled VisualGDB and re-installed with no change.
    Exception text from VisualGDB below.

    System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one matching element
    at System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate)
    at lf.f()
    at eu1.p.z(CommandLineAction b, CommandFlags a, Boolean c)
    at eu1.p..ctor(cz1 a, CommandLineAction c, CommandFlags b, rs d, Boolean e)
    at eu1.j1(String a, IEnumerable1 e, IEnumerable1 c, ta b, hr2 f, ig2 d)
    at lm.g(wy[] a)
    at yv2.d_2(EventWaitHandle b, Boolean a, Object c)
    at hm.v5(i4 a, Int32 c, ui2 e, y41 d, ic1 b, Boolean f)
    at hm.r4(i4 b, Int32 a)



    Please try updating to the latest VisualGDB 5.6 Beta 5 and deleting the .visualgdb subdirectory in the project folder. If the problem persists, please share the updated stack trace, and we will investigate this further.


    Installed beta5 and deleted the .visualgdb folder.  Visual studio now just lists ‘Load failed. Double-click for details’ for the contents of the project under the first node (with the RGB triangle icon).
    The stack trace is slightly different by has the same exception. The stacktrace and log show from double clicking for details are included below.
    Both before and after updating to beta 5, when I tell visual studio to reload the project I sometimes get a short lived error dialog at the bottom of the screen stating that Visual Studio doesn’t know what that ‘VisualGDBProjectSettings2’ node in the .vgdbcmake project file is.

    System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one matching element
    at System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate)
    at vg3.a()
    at sa3.r.n(CommandLineAction a, CommandFlags c, Boolean b)
    at sa3.r..ctor(ap1 e, CommandLineAction d, CommandFlags b, l21 c, Boolean a)
    at sa3.d_2(String e, IEnumerable1 b, IEnumerable1 c, se3 a, in f, ha1 d)
    at s71.h(tr2[] a)
    at ee2.c_2(EventWaitHandle b, Boolean a, Object c)
    at ob2.a(f5 c, Int32 f, yf1 a, l63 e, c1 d, Boolean b)
    at ob2.d2(f5 b, Int32 a)

    Double click for details:
    Loaded D:\Dev\Flipper\configuration-scene\configuration-scene\src\GLViewerGDB\GLViewerGDB.vgdbcmake. Waiting for VS to set the active configuration…
    Loaded D:\Dev\Flipper\configuration-scene\configuration-scene\src\GLViewerGDB2\GLViewerGDB2.vgdbcmake. Waiting for VS to set the active configuration…
    D:\Dev\Flipper\configuration-scene\configuration-scene\src\GLViewerGDB\GLViewerGDB.vgdbcmake: active configuration changed to Debug
    D:\Dev\Flipper\configuration-scene\configuration-scene\src\GLViewerGDB2\GLViewerGDB2.vgdbcmake: active configuration changed to Debug
    Shutting down CMake project for D:\Dev\Flipper\configuration-scene\configuration-scene\src\GLViewerGDB\GLViewerGDB.vgdbcmake…
    Shutting down CMake project for D:\Dev\Flipper\configuration-scene\configuration-scene\src\GLViewerGDB2\GLViewerGDB2.vgdbcmake…
    Loaded D:\Dev\Flipper\configuration-scene\configuration-scene\src\GLViewerGDB\GLViewerGDB.vgdbcmake. Waiting for VS to set the active configuration…
    Loaded D:\Dev\Flipper\configuration-scene\configuration-scene\src\GLViewerGDB2\GLViewerGDB2.vgdbcmake. Waiting for VS to set the active configuration…
    D:\Dev\Flipper\configuration-scene\configuration-scene\src\GLViewerGDB\GLViewerGDB.vgdbcmake: active configuration changed to Debug
    D:\Dev\Flipper\configuration-scene\configuration-scene\src\GLViewerGDB2\GLViewerGDB2.vgdbcmake: active configuration changed to Debug


    The short lived error dialog that will appear on reloading the project after it has been unloaded.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by softtechza.
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    Also note that if I create a new VisualGDB project of the same type, I exhibits all of the exact same errors.


    Thanks, we have found the root cause. It looks like your system has multiple network interfaces marked with the (WSL) tag, so VisualGDB cannot determine the one to use for WSL connections.

    We have fixed the issue that was preventing VisualGDB from showing a more descriptive error message in this build: VisualGDB-

    VisualGDB will now list all the interfaces it found in the error message, so you can manually select the one you would like to use for WSL targets via Tools->Options->VisualGDB->General->Other->Linux Subsystem Network Interface.

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