I try to use the crypto++ library in C++ project. I’m working on Visual Studio 2015 with VisualGDB 5.1
I have downloaded, built and installed the crypto++ lib on my edison. Although I have compiled the
corresponding solution on my windows machine. Then I have added the cryptlib project as a dependency
of my project:

And I have added the “cryptlib.lib” in the “additional linker inputs” in the VisuallGDB project settings.
This are my VisualGDB project settings:

Now I have problems to link the crypto++ library with my cross-compiling project.
This is the compiler output: klick (pastbin)
The Keychain test runs well. So I think the lib is supplie on the edison…
What am I doing wrong? I think the code would compile on the edison directly, but I want to cross compile it on my
windows pc…
Thanks for helping!