problem with Creating Qt Projects for Beaglebone

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB problem with Creating Qt Projects for Beaglebone

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  • #939

    hi everyone!
    I have a beaglebone black and I want to creat QT projects , I did ll the steps of
    but when I build my project , I get this errors :

    can you please helpme? πŸ˜₯ I’m a beginner and I’m confused πŸ˜•



    Ui::MainWindow is usually defined in the ui_MainWindow.h file that is generated during compilation.

    Do you have such a file in the Debug subdirectory of your project directory? What are the file’s contents?

    Additionally could you please post the full build output from the Output window here? Please rebuild the project before to ensure the log will be complete.

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